Chapter 22

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"We won, I cant believe we won!" Foxtail cheered. She ran up to Shadowtail and gave him a big lick.

"It just shows that I have some serious skill."

" Its the clan that had skill, plus if Shadowclan hadn't helped us we probably wouldn't have won."

Cats lay around the clearing and the moon reflected the blood flecking the ground. Shadowclan and Moonclan's medicine cats wrapped wounds and gave herbs out.

"OUTTA MY WAY!!!" Yowled Rabbitpaw. He and some other Shadowclan apprentices were running around chasing each other. Pineclaw was trying to catch some fish and one of the apprentices ran into him and knocked him into the water. Cats around him chuckled. The two clans were at peace.

" Umm Foxtail can I dress your wounds?" Foxtail jumped at Emberleafs voice. It was suprisingly soft and her gaze was filled with warmth.

"Yes you can."

"Okay this might sting a little bit but it will be worth it in the end."

Foxtail watched as Emberleaf expertly mashed a mixture of herbs in a leaf-cup. Then she grabbed a wet leaf and dipped it in the mixture. Foxtail winced as Emberleaf placed it on a long gash on her flank. The juices seeped in and then the pain vanished.

"Thanks Emberleaf that fells way better."

"Your welcome. See ya later." With a light Flick of her tail Emberleaf walked away.

" Thank you again Blazestar, we probably would have lost without your help." Mewed Fuzzystar.

" Your welcome, if you ever need help come lets us know because we are with you."

"Same with you." The leaders touched noses to symbolise peace and then the two clan went there own ways.

2 moons later

" Silverstripe, Silvrestripe, Silverstripe !" Called the clan. She had decided to retire to the elders den, she would be alone though. both her parents had died and Pineclaw was going to keep being a warrior. The battle had been Silverstripes last and Foxtail couldn't help but feel bad for her injured mom. Silverstripe smiled happily as her first sons name was chanted.

"I cant believe it, my big brother is the clan deputy!" Mewed foxtail happily as she nuzzled her brother.
"I can't either, I'm so grateful to fuzzystar and mom!" Foxtail looked at her brother. He was the perfect deputy. Lionheart was humble, strong, proud, passionate, and would die to protect those who he loves and even those who he does not. He would definitely try to stop warriors from killing others! Foxtail thought as her brother walked away, his powerful shoulders rippled as he walked. Then out of the corner of her eye foxtail saw tigerstripe glaring angrily at his brother, obviously wanting the role of deputy for himself.

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now