Chapter 27

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Foxtails pov

Take that Riverclan fish face!" Shrieked Glimmerkit. Thistlekit played with Glimmerkit, while Moonkit, Crystalkit, and shimmerkit quietly sat in the den. Leaf-bare was fully upon the clans and the forest was covered in a thick layer of snow. Foxtail was happy for the caves protection and warmth, from the bitter cold.
      "Thistlekit come here time for supper!"
      "SUPPER!" Shrieked Crystalkit. Moonkit trotted after his energetic sister. The kits started suckling and after a well earned meal they all crashed. Foxtail laughed softly and watched her kits sleep. She wrapped herself around her kits protectively and looked out of the den.
       "Oh leafspots, where are you?" She whispered, then Foxtail fell asleep.

Leafspots pov
      "Cow can you watch the kits?!" Yowled leafspots. She had given birth 2 sunrises ago and so far the kits were a paw-full. The she-kit was a golden sandy brown colour with a black spot around one eye. The Tom was a black tabby with a white underbelly, muzzle and paws, he had a sandy coloured spit around one eye. Cow calked them ying and yang. It annoyed leafspots, mostly because she had no idea what that was. Leafspots had refused to name them she wanted to wait until they got to their real home, the forest. Leaf spots longed to feel the cold cave floor, and the soft undergrowth. Even if it was in leaf-bare. Cow looked at leafspots, he followed her gaze into the snow covered forest. Cow longed for his mate to be happy but he new she would never be happy in his twolegs nest.
" leafspots I have something to tell you, or ask you I don't really know the difference-"
"Cow it's okay, just tell me!"
"Do you want to go back to the forest?"
"Of co-"
"Wait that was a rhetorical question. Anyways I was thinking. LETS GO BACK TO THE FOREST!" Cow blurted.
"Really? You would leave your twoleg for me?"
"Of course I would, I. I. I. I love you! My twoleg knows I am leaving so let's take the kits and show me your home!"
"Thank you Cow! I love you, let's go home!"

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now