Chapter 26

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LeafSpots pov
It had been a couple moons since Leafspots had been captured and she had started listening to the Kittypet. It was painful but Leafspots started to let the two-leg touch her. It's pink fur less hand felt weird and well weird. The weirdest part yet was when she rubbed herself against the twolegs legs. Leafspots had even started to like the enthusiastic Kittypet. He was black with white splotches, or white with black splotches. Leafspots could not figure out the difference. The Kittypet had been very reluctant to tell her his name but one night he Finnaly whispered it as they were falling asleep. His name was Cow. Leafspots totally understood why he didn't want to say his name and it took all her willpower not to laugh.
"Hey Leafspots wake up."
"WAKE UP!!" Yowled Cow. Leafspots shriked and banged her head on the roof of her cage.
"My two-leg has a surprise for you!" Leafspots stifled a groan. The last surprise had been a blue collar with a loud tinkling bell.
"It's not a new collar or a new toy, wake up and you will see. You will love it!"
"You said that about the fake mouse on the string!"
"Aww come on you loved it!"
"Until I realized it wasn't real! Whatever what is the surprise?" Cow opened the door to the cage and Leafspots hopped out. A faint breeze blew into the room, it smelled like home. Fishy scents, nature, dead leaves, wetness... Home!

The large thing called a sliding glass door was wide open. The first day Leafspots was out of her cave she ran into it. Then she thought it was ice, so she licked it and tried to heat it up. Cow laughed at her and had to explain what it was. Now it was open, not closed but open. The twoleg stood by it and beckoned the two cats forward. He made a couple weird noises and pointed outside. Leafspots glanced a Cow who nodded. She dashed out of the stuffy room and exploded into a large open area. There were trees, flowers, grass and a weird look thing made out of trees that looked like a mini den, the twoleg kits played in it happily. Leafspots saw a tall stone barrier around the garden and ran at it. Using her powerful hind legs she landed on top of it. The twoleg ran outside shrieking in fear. Cow started up in shock at the huge jump Leafspots had made. Even she was surprised on how high up she was. Then Leafspots felt a zap go through her. She shrieked and jumped up the wall landing awkwardly back into the garden.
"What was that?" She mumbled.
"The shock thing?" Cow asked, Leafspots nodded.
"Oh that is used to keep cats in here. No cats are even supposed to be able to jump so high. How did you do it? Even our strongest and most powerful cat couldn't jump that high."
"Slow down Cow, my mind is fuzzy right now. I need to rest." Leafspots found a tree with wide branches and climbed into it. She broke of small thing twigs and started weaving a nest. She stuck fallen flower petals in it and she even found some bird feathers. Once it was lined with moss, flower petals, bird feathers, and even some of her own fur she snuggled into it and fell asleep.
Foxtails pov

"Wow this really hurts. Ouch. MY YOWLING IS HURTING MY OWN EARS... AND THEY ARE MY EARS!" Foxtail shrieked. She had already had her first kit and the other two were on their way. Snowstorm sat beside her and comforted her. Silverstripe also was in there watching her kit with gleaming eyes. Foxtail still did not appreciate that she was having her kits in leaf-fall. Hopefully they would all survive the winter. As the second kit slid out Foxtail had a sudden memory. A whole pile of apprentices were warriors now. It was an odd thought to think of at that moment in time, but she couldn't help it. Quietkit to Quietpaw and now to Queitrain, Rabbitwhisker who once was Rabbitkit, he had recently lost his tail to a dog and foxtail still felt bad for him, Hawethorn had kept his name hawthorn once he turned into a warrior but that was okay, and finnaly Falconflight! Lionheart had yowled the loudest as his apprentice had become a warrior. Foxtail smiled at the memory just as another wave of pain hit. Another kit appeared in front of foxtails muzzle.

"Great job foxtail you are done." The cats left the den and Shadowtail shoved his way in. The firstborn kit was a dark tabby and his fur stuck up in a whole pile of clumps. Snowstorms kit Glimmerkit peeped her head up and yowled "he should be called thistleface! He is spiking and as stinky as a badger!" Snowstorm grabbed her kit and scolded her, anger flaring from her pelt.
"Actually I like that, Thistlekit it is." Shadowtail purred.
"How about Crystalkit for the silver she-cat, after the crystal in the centre of camp and Moonkit for the silver Tom, after our beloved clan. "
"I agree." Mewed Shadowtail happily. Then foxtail licked her little bundles of joy and dozed off.

Leafspots pov
"Snowstorm? Foxtail? Where are you?" Leafspots wailed desperately. She heard the mewling of kits. The dreaded prophecy Fuzzystar had told the clans many moons ago rang in her head.  Dark times are coming there will be 6 kits, all kits of the founders. Those kits will either destroy or units the clans if they destroy then the whole forest and the way of life and Starclan will crumble. If they unite the the forest will heal and the clans will unite as one to destroy what is coming.  "Someone save me" leafspots wailed fearfully. The voices of her clan mates called her name.
"Leafspots help us!"
"Leafspots save us!"
"Leafspots wake up!"

        Leafspots yowled in fear. Cow stood over her, a concerned expression on his face.
"Are you okay? You were yowling in your sleep!"
"Yah I'm fine. Just a bad dream." Leafspots shivered in fear, she could not get the horrible dream out of her head. She knew something bad was coming, she had to get back to her clan!
      Cow curled up beside her and gently licked her. The rasping motion of his tongue calmed her down.  Leafspots decided to tell Cow about her dream and her desire to go home. She even told him about the prophecy. After about 5 minutes of silence Cow quietly responded.
       "Maybe the prophecy is not for you."
        "It has to be! Me and my best friends are the only decedents of the "creators"! I wouldn't expect you to understand!
         "Well you've been away for awhile now, what if you aren't the last decedents.
         "Are you saying the might've had kits?"
         " Umm yes I am kinda saying that."
         "It doesn't fit though! I don't have kits and we are not all together!" Leafspots mewed fearfully. Cow looked at her face and the at her belly then her face again,and her belly. He kept doing that for awhile and realizations struck. I am pregnant with your kits?"

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon