Chapter 11

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Foxpaw woke up to a soft paw prodding her side. The ground was hard and her legs were really close together. Not to mention something was wrapped around her muzzle, then she remembered. She had been caught, along with Shadowpaw and scorchclaw by Riverclan Warriors, while they were on a spy mission. The paw prodded her again and she opened her eyes. Shadowpaws soft green eyes stared at her sadly. He was not bound up, in fact his coat was glossy and his belly plump.

"Foxpaw I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." Foxpaw was very confused, but her nmouth was binded so she obviously couldn't talk.
"You probably don't know what I am talking about do you?"
Foxpaw just shook her head.
"I caught a Riverclan cat in our camp... It was Ottersplash, she is a Riverclan spy, Riverclan chose her because they knew Fuzzystar would trust her."
Foxpaw wrote in the small amount of sand on the floor with her tail. How did you know,and why are being treated like a starclan warrior?" As Shadowpaw read it Foxpaw tried to free herself from the bindings.
"You can't break through, and I'm being treated like a Starclan warrior because I knew and I kept her secret, I also helped her plan the trap. I feel like a plane of Fox-dung"
You should, wrote Foxpaw.
"Anyways I came to tell you scorchclaw got away. He tried to help us but it was to risky and he needed to tell Fuzzystar." Foxpaw just nodded and tried to get comfterable on the sandy floor. Soon sleep came.

At the Moonclan camp.

Snowpaw yawned as flametail Mewed into the apprentice den for her. Since Nightshadow was still hostage flametail had taken over.
"Come on sleepy-head we are going to do some battle training."
"We are attacking Riverclan."
"To get our hostages back."
"Don't you want to see your friends and fellow clan ages again?"
"Yah but I thought Fuzzystar said it was to dangerous, because then they would know we exist!"
"They do know, Ottersplash was a spy, and thank goodness she has not come home yet. We are attacking tonight!"
"Okay let's go!!"

          Snowpaw trained with all the other apprentices and warriors. The gathers were helping the medicine cats, and the den builders were reinforcing the camp. The treetopers were doing tree fighting techniques and the swimmers were doing underwater fighting techniques. 

          By sun high Snowpaw was covered in sweat and was starving. And was overjoyed when Pineclaw told everyone to take a break. In two long leaps Snowpaw jumped into the river. The light currents tugged at her fur as she dove under the surface to catch some fish. Other cats swirled around her all wanting the same thing, to cool off and to eat. Snowpaws lungs were bursting for air so she swam to the surface and swam to the bank of the river, leafpaw sat their with a large carp.

          "Want to share this with me?" Snowpaw nodded and ate her fill. They buried the leftovers and jumped into the river.  They lay on their backs and floated down the river happily chatting. A loud yowl coming from up the river warned them that they were leaving for battle.  Snowpaw quickly paddled to the shore and ran off to the camp.

          When they got there Dreamcloud and Emberpaw were rubbing everyone in a slimy leaf juice to make it harder for enemies to cling on. Once the whole clan was smothered they set out, the moon was rising as they ran through the forest. Fuzzystar had told them not to go through the tunnels, as they neared the twoleg bridge they slowed down.
"Warriors whatever happens tonight I am proud to serve you as the leader. We need to free our warriors and apprentices and get out of there. If I have to I will die saving Moonclan I know that Starclan will light our path, now tonight we will fight like tigerclan warriors!!!!  The warriors cheered and then ran into the heart of Riverclan and right into the sleeping camp.

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now