Chapter 23

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leafspots pov

      "See you later Leafspots!" Mewed Foxtail. She was going off on a spy mission with Shadowtail. 

"Bye be safe, don't get captured this time!" 

"Ha, that's funny why would that happen, I've never been captured." 

Leafspots rolled her eyes at her silly friend. She felt sad though, Snowstorm was pregnant with kits and Foxtail was probably close, but her... She had know one. Except her brother but he didn't count.

"Hey Leafspots want to help me fix the nursery, it's starting to get cold out."

"Sure thing Mosssock, Ill be right there." 

Leafspots ran over and helped piling up leaves vines and mud from the river. Once the mud actually hardened it made an amazing clay shell over the den and kept it super warm and cozy. 

"Are we going to do all the dens?"

"If we have time, yes."

"Neat, should I get more mud and lea"

Leafspots voice was interrupted by paws pounding and cats yowling happily. She turned her head and saw 5 tunnellers running straight at her. They suddenly vanished and a huge wave of water washed over the edge of the river and a stream trickled and hit her paws. Mosssock was laughing because apparently it look like Leafspots was going to be run over.  The tunnellers were swimming lazily in the "Tunnellers pool".  It was pretty much just a pool that did not have a current but water still flowed in and out so it was clean. The once brilliant clear water around them turned brown from the mud. Fuzzystar made it compulsory from them to clean everyday after being in the tunnels because she did not want to deal with them having dirty fur. Especially her son Blizzardstorm and Lionheart who were part-time tunnellers. And since Fuzzystar had such a "glamorous white pelt" Leafspots rolled her eyes thinking about Fuzzystars white pelt. Some of the tunnellers were snickering at other cats who got sprayed with water by their pelts, from shaking them off but the snickering stopped when there was loud thumping above them.

            "Tunnellers what going o what is that, who is that, are we going to DIE, IS IT BRONZESTAR!!!" Yowled Fuzzystar and Leafspots tried not to laugh as she imagined Fuzzystar in a Two-leg comic with a giant head and a physcotic face with googly eyes. The image dissipated when the tunnellers said 

"I thin they are two-leg kits, everyone get somewhere to hide because they might fit through the moon-hole and invade our camp. The cave will be big enough for them to run around in. All the cats that were in the cave ran for shelter and leafspots was running just below the moon-hole to get to a den when a pink face appeared through the hole and a smile lit up when she saw Leafspots.

"Kitty!" It shrieked it turned around and quickly yapped something but  Leafspots was to scared to run . Another face popped through the hole and then his arms came through. She heard a sharp command and the other two-leg held onto his legs. The next 5 seconds happened to fast he swung into the cave and grabbed leafspots. Then he tossed her out of the hole and the female two-leg kit held her and carried her away into the forest. She saw Foxtail and Shadowtail in the nearby river and shrieked for help but it was to late, a giant  full grown two-leg male put her in a weird cage with shiny mesh and she got carried away in a monster.

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now