Chapter 5

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"Let all cats old enough to ... Live gather around circle rock for a clan meeting. " Foxkit woke up to Fuzzystars yowl.
"Come on Foxkit, we are becoming apprentices!" Mewed Wolfkit.
"Yaaaay! Let's go." All the kits ran out of the nursery and sat around circle rock.

"Today is a very special day. We have 8 kits becoming apprentices. First I'll do Foxkit." Foxkit gasped and excitedly ran towards Fuzzystar. On her way she tripped on her paw and landed on her face into a mud puddle.
"Foxkit the first couple days of your apprenticeship will be trying out what your role truly is. Your try it out mentor will be Mintleaf. " Mintleaf stepped out of the crowd and touched noses with Foxkit.
"Until you get your warrior name you will be know as Foxpaw."
Fuzzystar touched noses with Foxpaw and whispered "Good luck."

"Next is Snowkit, Snowkit please step forward." Snowkit slowly stepped forward. Foxpaw smiled at her friend.
"Snowkit my beautiful daughter, as you know try it out day is for the next couple days but for now your mentor will be Nightshadow." Nightshadow stepped forward yo touch noses with Snowkit.
"Nightshadow you are a strong skilled warrior and I hope you will pass these skills on to Snowpaw. " Snowpaw squealed excitedly as Fuzzystar touched her nose to her head.

"I might start to sound like a broken record player but..." Silverstripe, and the once kittypett Warriors snickered. Everyone else just stared like Fuzzystar had grown two heads.
"Um okay, anyways now we will do Tigerkit, Tigerkit please step forward.
"You are a powerful warrior in the making so that is why Me myself and I will mentor you. I will make you the strongest warrior ever Tigerpaw. "
Tigerpaw stepped forward and Fuzzystar touched her nose to his head.

"Wolfkit please step forward. Your mentor will be Mosssock." Foxpaw saw wolf kits face fall. Mosssock was the lead denbulider and gatherer. "Mosssock I hope you share your skills and strength with this apprentice. Until you get your warrior name you will be know as Wolfpaw."
"You are going to be the best apprentice I've ever had... And the first, we are going to have so much fun!" Mosssock mewed excitedly, Foxpaw saw him give a little hop, and she scoffed.
"If you say so Mosssock." Wolfpaw mewed sadly.

"Leafkit please step forward." Leafkit scooted around the new apprentices and stood in front of Fuzzystar. "Leafkit your mentor will be flametail." Leafkit squirmed with excitement as a very surprised Flametail stepped out of the crowd.
"Flametail is new, but he is very strong and a skilled cavegaurd and denbulider. He is a decent swimmer, but he will be perfect for leafpaw." Leafpaw stared at the lithel, but muscular Tom.
"Will I be as strong as you one day?"
"I hope not then I won't be the strongest." Flametail chuckled at Leafpaws face.
"Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh iiiiiiiiii geeeeetttttt iiiiitttttt." Leafpaw mewed happily, before running back to her friends.

"Blizzardkit please step forward." The young white tom stepped forward through the small crowd and stood in front of Fuzzystar.
"My beautiful son, I am giving you mudsplash. He one of our best den builders and tunnellers. I know you might not become one of those but he is the perfect choice for  you Blizzardpaw. " Blizzardpaw respectively bowed his head to Mudsplah and then ran to sit with Wolfpaw, who was trying to suppress a laugh, about blizzardpaws mentor.

       "And last but certainly not least... Rainkit!" Rainkit walked forward with his head held high.
"You have the blood of a pure Riverclan cat, I can see it in your sleek slippery pelt, I think you will be a great swimmer, so you get Ottersplash." Rainkit looked at Ottersplash with a grin on his face.
"Until you get you warrior name you will be know was Rainpaw"

The clan cheered all the new apprentices names then they dispersed, leaving the new apprentices in a circle.
"Okay guys because there is so many of you, first try it out is den building, we will teach you how to build the perfect cozy den to sleep in tonight, now let's get to work!" Mewed Mosssock excitedly. Wolfpaw groaned but padded after Mosssock.

Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now