Chapter 21

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"Moonclan gather around circle-rock for a clan meeting!" Yowled Fuzzystar.
Foxtail sat in the centre of the clearing with Shadowtail. They had told Fuzzystar about what they had heard and now they had to tell the clan.
"I'm kinda nervous to tell the whole clan about this, plus what if Shadowclan was lying?"
"Don't worry Foxtail it will work, it has to work. Our clan worked hard to make it how it is and I will fight with my life to keep it that way. I'll fight for you too my love."
"My knight in shining armour."

"We have some horrible news, Bronzestar is forming an alliance with some of the other clans to track us and... drive us out." Foxtail flinched as the clan gasped and Snowstorm wailed in fear. She had recently become pregnant but still had at least 2 moons. Fuzzystar let the clan quiet down before she spoke again. "Yea its bad but Foxtail has some good news to share!" Fuzzystar flicked her tail and hopped off the rock. She flicked her tail telling Foxtail she can go up. Shadowtail smiled encouragingly and Foxtail felt warmth spread through her.

"Yes Bronzestar is planning to track us down and attack us but the good news is Shadowclan will be helping us. Blazestar is sending a patrol of warriors to "look for us" but when the fight comes they are on our sides."
The clan did not seem to like that, there was yowling and angry growls but also fear scent.
        " I know it sounds crazy but trust me, trust Blazestar, and trust our amazing leader Fuzzystar to help us." As foxtail finished the rock slowly spun in a circle foxtail stared in amazement as a starry shape appeared in the centre of the clearing.
"Mama?" Squeaked Fuzzystar. The cats gaze fell on Fuzzystar and blinked in approval than the starry ancestors gaze fell on Foxtail and Shadowtail
"Thank you for warning this clan, Starclan cannot stop the other clans but we will watch over you. Windclan will not join the fight but they will help you, that's the best we can do." Then she was gone. Foxtail had a very sudden epiphany " We could send a patrol of all our fighters and cavegaurds to breakneck cliff, we can make it seem like that gourge is our home!" The clan yowled in agreement and the preparations begun immediately.


     By moonhigh half the clan was sitting in the gorge. Shadowclan had been told about where their fake camp was and the whole group was prepared. Foxtail stared in wonder at Lionheart. He seemed so calm, yet his eyes glinted for the battle. Shadowtail was getting a very brief advanced training and snowstorm was flex inner muscles. The gorge had a river so most of the swimmers where in the river warming up their muscles. They were some of the key parts of the battle. If it worked the way it was supposed to then they would drag cats into the river to knock out. Fuzzystar had told the clan to kill only if nessecary which foxtail liked. Suddenly a single bright light flashed into the centre of the clearing. That was the cue that told the clan Bronzestar was there. The plan was going as planned Shadowclan was pretending that they knew where the camp was so they lead Bronzestar to the clearing but little did they know that the treetoper so were hiding in the trees at the top of the slope. They ambushed from above and that was the patrol foxtail was in.

          "Thank you Blazestar for telling us about the camp, it makes this plan even easier to achieve." Foxtail reconized the soft but sly voice of Bronzestar. His eyes glinted as he stared at the "sleeping" clan below. Suddenly Mintleaf flicked her tail signalling the tree topers to drop. Bronzestar let out a screech of surprise as Pineclaw landed on his back wrestling him to the ground.
"ROUGES ATTACK!!" Yowled Pineclaw more cats dropped from the trees and others drooped rocks and pinecones to injure and distract the other cats. Soon the small patrol was being bombarded and Shadowclan turned and fought with Moonclan. Foxtail let out a sigh of relief, happy Blazestar had kept true to her word. Lionheart jumped into the fray of battle, teeth and claws glinting in the moonlight. Soon the battle was over.

          "Get out of our camp before we kill you all yowled Fuzzystar." Bronzestar limped away anger and defeat glinting in his eyes. Once they were gone the whole clan cheered for their victory, Shadowclan joining in.



Warriors the outcasts book 2 of the runaways series. COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora