Chapter 2 - New Home, New Adventure

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In the Chat Room... (Btw, Toriel and Asgore have left early to get some Butterscotch-Cinnamon pie.)

Me: I love this picture right here. (The pic above) It's amazing.

Frisk: Wait a minute, why is Asriel in the bed with me? O.o

Me: I think you are... sharing the bed.

Asriel: Oh, that explains it...

Sans: *hint of jealousy*

Me: I smell jealousy...

Sans: *glares at me* I'm not jealous... I'm just... uncomfortable.

Asriel: You didn't mention that I do like someone other than Frisk...

Everyone: Who?

Asriel: It's a secret...


What's up Buddies! I'm back with another chapter and school is back again. *bang my head again* Why can't I drop out instead? Otherwise, I won't graduated with failure education. But you know, it's a long wait and I have to update this chapter to keep things in check. So, I was busy with other stuff and checking the cool arts in Tumblr and Deviatart. I joined in the group with the fav pair and things are going out well. So guys, read on this chapter. I hope you enjoy this~


Third Person P.O.V

"Hey Tori and Asgore, how's the village?" Sans asked.

"It's great, the village is finished and there's plenty of houses for all the monsters to live here." Asgore replied, looking at the whole view. The village was finally built with different coloured houses and other variety of buildings. "There's Grillby's." He pointed at the familiar bar about 20 metres from the houses, "Muffet's Spider Bakery." He pointed another building which was a red building with purple outlines and a large yellow sign with lights and the title painted in black.

"And the new school." Toriel finished, pointing at the two-storey building with eight window panes on the front, two pillars on each side and a large black door with the Delta Rune symbol.

"Awesome, but does it mean that me and Asriel are going to enroll in this school?" Frisk asked.

Toriel giggled, "Actually, you don't have to, my child. You're all grown up and you're an ambassador." She placed her hand on my shoulder, "I'm only teaching young children... with the reading and writing."

"By the way, Frisk." Asgore began, turning to her "I have a special gift for you." He held up the gift wrapped in purple wrapping paper and tied with a yellow ribbon in his hands. "Here."

She took the gift from him and unwrapped it. Inside was a beautiful purple robe with the Delta Rune symbol in gold. Frisk held up the robe from the box and the rest of the material fell down more until it stops above the ground where she holds.

"Oh my... Asgore, it's beautiful." Toriel complimented.

"It is. I have prepared this robe just for someone to be the ambassador." Asgore explained. "It's all yours, Frisk."

"Thank you Asgore." Frisk thanked, only a little disappointed.

"No worries," Asgore replied and then caught on that look Frisk had in her eyes, "I understand that being the ambassador is hard work but I believe you can make peace between humans and monsters. However, we can help to support you so you're not working alone."

"Again, thank you."

"Well now, since everything is settled, let's head for our new homes." Toriel said, as everyone followed her to the new village. Once they arrived, she assured everyone to find a home to stay in. Toriel chose to stay in a yellow house with Frisk, Asriel and Asgore. Undyne stayed in blue house next to the laboratory where Alphys lives and Sans and Papyrus were living in a house that looks exactly the same as their home in Snowdin expect it's a little bigger with extra features. Sans snapped his fingers and all the boxes that he made them disappear, reappeared at their homes.

Undertale - The Story of Determination 2 - Glad You Came (Sans X Older Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now