Chapter 14 - Frisk is Moving out

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In the Chat Room... (after the party)

Frisk: *lays on the couch* I'm soooooo bored.

Me: Why not go to Sans and do something together?

Frisk: Like what?

Me: I don't know, you can go to Grillby's, watching TV or... whatever you want.

Frisk: Oh well... *leaps off the couch and walks into the kitchen to find Sans drinking ketchup*

Sans: Heya kid, what's up?

Frisk: I'm bored, Azure is busy writing another chapter so I couldn't lay around doing nothing.

Sans: Actually, I do have one thing to speed things up a bit *leans closer to her* Wanna make out?

Frisk: o////o maybe...  

Sans: *chuckles and puts his ketchup bottle on the counter before wrapping his arms around her* C'mere sweetheart *starts kissing her*

Frisk: >////////////<  *kisses back*

Sans: D'aww... she's so cute. *kisses passionately*


What's up Buddies! I hope you enjoy your Happy Easter Day because by the time I posted this chapter, I wouldn't be writing anymore more chapters because I have some studying to do. I know it's a pain in the back once again but I have to deal with it right now. That's all I'm going to say so here's the chapter, I hope you enjoy this~


Frisk's P.O.V

The next day, after I woke up and got dressed, my parents and Asriel helped me packed all of my stuffs into cardboard boxes. I have my clothes, my gifts from yesterday, some books and a few of my stuffed toys. After everything was packed, Asriel now has a bedroom to himself with a double bed. It was strange to sleep with him since there is one bed for two people. But right now, I'm going to move over to the Skelebro's house and stay with the best skelebros ever. I heard my phone ring and picked it up to look at the ID before answering.

"Hey Sans."

"Hey babe, how's things?" He greeted.

"Pretty good, my mum and dad are helping me pack my stuffs into boxes before I moved in with you guys." I replied.

"That's good, how long are you going to be ready?"

"It will take a while though, but we'll get there."

"Sounds good. I'll be over there soon, and I told my dad about the news so he's coming over with his truck to help with the loading."

"Okay, sounds great. I'll talk to you soon then."

" 'Kay, bye Frisky. I love you." He said.

"Love you too, Sansy. Goodbye." I smiled, hung up the phone call and taped up the last box before shifting it over with the others, about five boxes.

"Well, my child. I guess everything is all packed and ready." Toriel said, looking at the boxes.

"Yep, that's everything. I can't wait to move out." I nodded, and Asgore came into the room.

"Frisk, your friends are here." He stated.

"Oh boy!" I rushed out of the bedroom, down the stairs to the front door where Sans and Papyrus are waiting at.

"HELLO FRISK!" Papyrus greeted, waving his hand happily.

"Hey baby." Sans added, with a wink making me smile happily with a pink blush. I gave a hug to Papyrus and a kiss to Sans.

Undertale - The Story of Determination 2 - Glad You Came (Sans X Older Frisk)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora