Chapter 25 - SAVE Chara

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In the Living Room...

Frisk: *looks over* Wow, you writing about saving Chara

Me: Yep, what's better saving Asriel than Chara.

Sans: Isn't she the one who butchered everyone that Frisk cares about.

Frisk: Yeah, she's mean to everyone.

Me: I won't say she was a bad person.

Frisk & Sans: Huh?!

Me: You heard me? I watched a video called 'The Truth Behind Chara' about Chara's backstory and why everyone didn't the character properly. It turns out that Chara wasn't a bad person but someone was controlling them to believe that they responsible for the Genocide and the RESETs.

Sans: Huh, I see.

Chara: *peeks out from the door* I hope they are right...


What's up Buddies! I'm back with another chapter! *throws confetti* Yes, I have finally wrote the part where is finally getting from Demise. Now, before we begin... little reminders that none of the script is canon in the game, there are simply my ways of constructing this chapter. Also, we got like two chapters to go until this story is completed. So, I'll work on that later on. Here's the chapter and I hope you enjoy this~


Normal P.O.V

Darkness thicken due to the tenseness of the atmosphere as the battle between Frisk and Chara began. Frisk with the HOPE SOUL came face-to-face with Chara with the HATE SOUL, still controlled by Demise. Sans and Asriel were meters away from them, witnessing that they should stay out of it because this is a one-on-one battle to determine which one will win. They began pray to themselves, hoping that Frisk will win this battle and get Chara out of Demise's control. No matter what, Asriel hoped his best friend is alright and Sans hoped his girlfriend can do this, after all, she is filled with determination so she will never lose.   

After time has passed, Chara started to run towards her with a knife in her hand. Frisk respond to her movements by doing the same thing, charging towards her too. Getting close, they swung their blades at each others and the fencing begin. The sounds of metal clattered and banged against each other as sparks ignite from it. Chara swung overhead but Frisk raised her sword above her head to block it. 

"YoU'lL nEvEr WiN, FrIsK. I wOuLd DeFeAt YoU iN nO tImE sO I cAn ERASE tHiS pAtHeTic WoRld FoReVeR." Chara taunted.

"I can't allow that to happen, Chara!" Frisk yelled, pushing her sword back against her knife. As the contact fell apart, she leap out of the way before Chara could launch an attack on her. Then, using her other hand, Chara launched red and black knives at Frisk. Reacting quickly, she held up her other hand to cast a green forcefield that was used when fighting against Undyne. The knives shattered from the barrier and pixelated, but that was about to change when she flash-stepped towards Frisk and strikes her. I jumped back because if Frisk gets strike from her knife, it will be the end of her.

"Come on babe, you can do it!" Sans encouraged.

"Don't give up yet, Frisk!" Asriel added.

"ShUt Up!" Chara yelled, unleashing a red cut-wave at them which Sans used his magic to create a barrier to protect himself and Asriel, "YoUr ChEeRiNg Is NoT gOiNg To HeLp HeR wIn!"

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