Chapter 24 - Final Battle

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In the Living Room...

Me: *types the final part before pushing 'Publish'* Yes, I've finally back in the game

Frisk: You mean writing, right?

Me: Eh, you got that right! The business have finally been taken care of... *checks the calendar* Been a 'while' if I put it that way.

Asriel: So... *looks over my published chapter* Last time, you wrote about Chara fighting against Sans and then he lost?

Sans: .......

Me: O.o Yeah I did, but that's the Genocide Route, right?

Sans: You really have to write that part?! >: (

Me: It's a story, put a sock into it!

Sans: *grumbles to himself* Hmph!

Frisk: Don't worry about it, Sans. It's her story you know.

Sans: *sighs* Yeah, I know.


What's up Buddies! I hope you enjoy the long chapter of Sans's Genocide Fight, because... the last time I tried to defeat him in the game, I died like twenty times and I gave up! It's hard because you have to like twenty-five until you get to the part where he uses his "special attack". I could just imagine him throwing a slipper at me :D. Anyways, you wouldn't upload the next chapter because when Father's Day comes, I have to pay a visit at my dad's grave just to wish him 'Happy Father's Day'. So here's the chapter, I hope you enjoy this~


Chara's P.O.V

"FiNaLlY, tHaT cOmEdIaN iS dEaD." I mumbled to myself, while looking over at the blue hoodie on the dust pile. Chuckling darkly, I made my way to the Throne Room which I can see Asgore watering his flowers. Time to finish this guy off... 

"Curious, I have never seen a plant... cry before." I heard the fatherly voice of Asgore who was kneeling to comfort the little flower that was in front of him. Grinning evilly, I took a couple steps forward until I was behind him, raised my hand and grabbed his cape, tucking it to get his attention. He piped up a bit before turning around to face me, "... huh? You must be the one that flower just warned me about." He took notice me curiously before greeting "Howdy!" He hesitates when he takes a long look at me, "Erm... What kind of monster are you...?" 

"WhAt DoEs It LoOk LiKe To YoU?" I asked, imitating in Frisk's voice.

"Sorry, I cannot tell." He replied. Now, I'm starting to get annoyed by this horn-headed goat king... Without a second, I took a advance step towards him, "Well, we can change-" He hesitates when he notice my sudden approach towards him, "Now, now. There's no need to fight. Why not settle this... over a nice cup of tea?" I looked down to see a tea cup filled with golden flower tea resting in his hands. Growling loudly, I slapped the tea cup out of his hands and the cup shattered into pieces on the ground. With a gasp from him, I jumped up to his height and slashed him across the chest with my knife, "Why... You..." He cut off when a circle of white petals appeared around him and struck him, causing him to fell forward with a loud thud and his body was dissolved into dust. Then, a white upside-down heart appeared above his dust and yet another round of petals appeared, splitting his Monster SOUL to pieces. I growled again and turned to see the little flower before me.

"See? I never betrayed you." Flowey said weakly, "It was all a trick, see? I was waiting to kill him for you!" I glared at him with disgust and anger, "After all, it's me your best friend!" He made into a face of Asriel's, "I'm helpful, I can be useful to you, I promise I won't get in your way. I can help... I can... I can..." Scowling, I took a step forward towards him, how dare he? Flowey looked up weakly and cowardly at my glare as tiny droplets brimmed up within his eyes, "Please don't kill me."  

Undertale - The Story of Determination 2 - Glad You Came (Sans X Older Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now