Chapter 29 - Toriel is WHAT?

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In the Living Room...

*Chara, Asriel, Frisk and I returned from Trick-or-Treat*

Chara: Whoo! I got all the variety of chocolates!

Asriel: Really? You and your chocolate habit?

Chara: Yep! *took out a Snicker and bites it*

Me: Better?

Chara: Hmm? Yep, better.

Frisk: *snickers*

Asriel: Seriously, the memes?

Me: Yep, also... *notice the Followers were decreasing* Whoa! Where the guys are going?! I'm still here, still writing.

Chara: It's been almost a month.

Me: Dammit, I better act fast!


What's up Buddies! Huge apologies! I was so caught up with other stuff that I didn't have time to finish up this chapter! Look, I understand that you're bored or unfollowed me because of my 'Hold up'. I just need to do something quick such as 'working'. So, here's the chapter I quickly snuggle up in, it's short but that will have to do. I hope you enjoy this~


Frisk's P.O.V

I woke up suddenly when I heard my phone buzzing loudly since I forgot to put it on silence during my sleep. I groaned softly and looked around for my phone, finding it on the ground. I wiggled myself out of Sans's embrace and reached over to grab my phone. Once I have my phone in my grasp, I pulled myself back on the bed and answered it before I missed my call.

"Hello?" I said, waiting for the person's response.

"Hello, my child. It's me, Toriel." A motherly voice greeted warmly.

"Oh, hello Mom, I didn't know you called me this early," I replied.

"Hehehehe, actually, it's 10:15 a.m." She corrected, which made me turned to the clock that reads 10:15 a.m. Wow, time sure flies quicker than usual.

"Ah yes, anyways, what's going on?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I have some good news but I want you, Sans, Chara and Asriel to come over at my house." She answered.

"Okay, I'll see you there once I wake up Sans."

"Okay, my child. But don't take too long."

"Don't worry, I promised." I smiled.

"Okay, bye." She said, before hanging up the phone after I said 'bye' to her.

I pocketed away my phone and turned myself over to place my hand onto the sleeping skeleton's shoulder and shook him, "Hey, Sans, wake up..."

"Five more minutes, Papyrus..." He mumbled, turning himself around with his face now buried into the pillow.

I sighed loudly and shook him again, "C'mon, we gotta go." But then again, he continued to sleep. Frowning in disappointment, I came up with an idea. Slipping off the bed, I walked across the room to leave and decided to ask Chara for help. I entered the living room which to my surprise was Chara sleeping soundlessly on the couch with Asriel. I quietly approached and shook her gently. The brunette stirred a bit before waking up and turned her head to look at me tiredly.

"Oh, hey sis... what's up?" She asked, her voice drowsing from tiredness.

"Can you wake up Sans? I can't get him to wake up." I asked.

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