Cherry Blossom

13 0 2

Isogai p.o.v

I sweatdropped a bit when I was pinned down. Look at that. I'm being pinned down by a girl on her first time. How embarassing. Lifting my head from embarassmemt, I look at her when. when. when. Our face was inches apart. But instead of heating up, I look dumbfounded by what I saw and heard.

"Thank You" she said with a smile so genuine. My eyes widened with a slow gasp escaping my mouth. She had no bloodlust present even though she was holding up her knife in my neck. I didn't notice myself turning a little pink. I backed down a little bit. She noticed my uncomfortableness so she tried to stand up but her hands slipped by a twig. She fell towards me and the next thing that happened was we were lying down. She was on top of me. She was opening her eyes. I looked at her green eyes while it eclipsed mine. They were a beautiful hue.

"Gumi, I-Isogai-kun." She curled her loose hair. That's always your habit, (Y/N). Kawaii. Ehhhhhhh. . . snapp out of it Isogai. I tried to think about cute moments I saw Oka doing. Like when she was sticking out her tongue. Like when she was doing wacky faces. I smiled. Like when she was curling her hair with a curling wand but failed. Curling her hair. Curling her hair. (Y/N)-chan.

"Let's get going Isogai. It's our turn to take down Karasuma." She smiled while fondling with her knife in her hand.

>Time skip: End of class. <

The bell rang. I mentally jumped off my seat since I can visit Oka. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and text her.

To:Oka <3
I'd be coming over. Want something?

From: Oka<3

Then Pizza it is.

I immediately stood up and bid my goodbyes to the class. Maehara was inviting me to eat at this super cheap BBQ but I turned him down with the promise I made first. He was flicking my hair and was complaining about my love life. He just invited someone else instead.

I slowly strolled down the mountain. Just the thought me taking care of Oka. Me, myself, and I. I was passing down few rocks and bushes. I felt the cold wind breezing to my face. It made me think for a while with everything went into a blur. I love you Oka. I'll always be there for you.  I noticed that few cherry blossom trees were carried by the wind. At that sight, from my vision looking above, my eyes landed on a figure standing there. Her hair was loose, caressed by the wind. She was singing something.

>I'll never forget until the day until I see you again< She was singing Mion's song. She sung it beautifully. Too bad it was the last of the lyrics. She then turned towards me. With those green eyes, I widened mine. She was crying. I wanted to approach her. Just then when I was taking the first steps, A redhead went ahead of me. Karma. I wished I could've been faster.  Ja. I'll leave this to you.

>Time Skip<

I was carrying two whole cheese pizzas and sodas. I was greeted by Maids.
"Welcome, Isogai-sama" they said in Unison

I just scratched my head. "Um. You don't have to call me sama." Some of the maids giggled. "Where's Kataoka?"

"Kataoka san is her bedroom. I was instructed to escort you. Right this way." One butler said, signaling to follow him.

When I arrived at her room, I gently knocked while she was watching some movies on her tv. She turned my way and motioned to come closer. She gave me a kiss on the lips which I returned. It was a lingering kiss. I closed my eyes. I missed this. I missed this. But then, suddenly, (Y/N) flashed in my mind. My eyes shot open. I broke the kiss.

"Is something wrong Iso?"

"Oh. nothing Oka. I just had to breath." I smiled jokingly. I felt guitly but it was not worth mentioning. "Gumine" I give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Here's your wish. Tada!" I said with triumph

"Awee. Arigatou Iso."

"Though you could always buy it on your own." He said smiling halfheartedly.

"What are you talking about.  ? Yes, I can buy this all the time." She said with pride. She was rich anyways. I frowned but then I heard her say "but I couldn't ever afford the feeling of me eating my favorite pizza bought by my boyfriend."

I smiled. Slowly, I brushed her hair. She had straight and flawless hair. I smelt it and and leaned my nose on the side of her hair and whispered on her ear.
"I love you."

She smiled. "I love you too"

"Let's eat."



>Few hours earlier<

In the big windows where the dappled sunglight shines gently in

How are you charles? Are you finally breathing the air you missed? No more machines? No more inhalers? No more hospital?

The day I met you felt so far away

I remember the first time we met. The moment that was reaching for the ball in the Che rry blossom tree. Some pervert guys were watching you. So you had the guts to save me. You touched my legs so that I would stop climbing. I then slapped you.

"There is nothing more bittersweet than to be slapped by a lady."

You still make me blush. You are my first love. you know that, right?

The memories I've arranged little by little keep me warm

You were my first time. Not the perverted first time. But you gave me the push to do something for the first time. Arigatou. I could never repay you. You think that I made you alive? No charles, you made me alive. Arigatou

A small room, hearts connecting: you taught me gently
Once this season comes for me, I won't be able
To search out your figure anymore
I'll never forget until I can see you again

Spring is coming Charles. A spring without you is coming.

My tears began to flood my eyes. I look up to the Cherry Blossom. Then unknowingly turned around and saw Isogai-kun.

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