Broken Glasses

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(Y/N) P.O.V
We head to our classroom and to our seats. In there was Nagisa and Kayano, I greeted them a good morning. Ahahaha. I mentally slap myself for making that bet. I really wanted him to be my executive chef for the week. Facepalm. But I did get little consolation. Karma serious and begging. I could use this to get myself out of this bet. I was just about to blackmail it when I remembered how serious he was. I look back at my phone. He really is serious. and cute at that. I just smiled and lowered my phone. I guess I'll be keeping it for future circumstances.

'A date wouldn't be so bad' I whispered. Is it okay Charles? Give me a sign please.

"Hey Baka, I've been calling you like three times already. Are you thinking about me?" He said with his smirk painted on his face. "Am I that handsome?"

I smiled mischievously and gave him a smirk. "Of course I was thinking about you and how you were handsome with this face on." I chuckle

His eyes widened and tried to grab my phone but I was to fast. Guess this is really useful. "Give it back here or else?"

"Or what?"

"Or else this photo gets out."

"What Photo?" I smile at him innocently.

"This. . . eh where is it? what did you do?"

"Nothing just took your phone while you were doing this. bleeeh" He just sneers and went back. I'll apologise to him later.

"You two look cute together. I totally ship it." Kayano said like she was looking at her favorite love team. Nagisa just sweatdropped and a blush crept into my face.

Karma was reading some advance mathematics so I went to Nagisa and Kayano. We chatted for awhile while I did a little braid on both of the long hairs. They were amazed.

"You look so beautiful Nagisa-chan. Just like a girl." I joked. Me and Kayano looked at each other then bursted laughing.

"Hey. Would you quite it? I'm forced into having this long hair you know." He said while cowering. I wipe a tear from my eyes.

"Gumi.Gumi. It's just that you look kawaii" Kayano said. They look at each other

"Oh.oh.oh. I sense romance here. Ahehehehe." My phone clicked. "This is good black mail."

"Ehhhhhh. Delete it. please." They said in unison.

"Okay.Okay. But you'll have to do as I say."

"Okay." Synching again. I laugh.

"You both we'll come with me this sunday." With that, I hear a loud bang. I turned around to see Karma stood up with both his hand on the table, his book in between of them. "What, but we had an agreement?"

My feet moved from where it was planted and went to where the redhead was. I slanted my body with my left hand on my waist and a hand on his lips. "You didn't say that I couldn't bring anyone." He blushed a flushed red. "Wakata. Bring them but you'll be with me all the time." "Hai." He smiled a warm smile, hiding it while looking down.

"Ohayou." Isogai greeted while holding his hand with Meg. I felt a slight sadness in my face but I didn't know what it was. I just smiled my warmest smile.

Isogai p.o.v

I opened the door to the classroom. I saw Kayano-chan and Nagisa-kun. They were looking at the end side of the room. They were fanning over something or someone. I saw who it was. It was Karma and (Y/N). A slight pain in my chest was felt. My hands tightened around Oka's finger.

"Iso. You're hurting me." Oka said with a slight pain voice with one eye closed.

"Gumi. Oka."

I turn back and greeted everybody. "Ohayou" Oka did the same. Various classmate greeted me back. But I was waiting for someone to greet me good morning. I slapped my cheek. What is happening to me? When I turned to her, I saw it again. The smile. The face. The eyes. My heart has beated faster ever since then. This isn't right Isogai. Snap out of it.

When I was practically shaking my head, I look at were she is or was. She had already taken her seat. Oka just pulled me and we went to our seat. I laid my bag aside and grabbed some books and a notebook. I took a glance behind me and saw the violet haired girl. She was not looking back. She was looking at the window with earphones in her ears. I just sigh and opened some social studies book.

Then Koro-sensei entered the class. "Rise." We pointed our guns at him. "Fire" Bullets started to flock at the board but none hits Koro-sensei. "I'll just be taking your attendance. Please speaker louder." He then called us one by one.

"(Y/N) Vanilla Houtarou. (Y/N)-chan?" Koro-sensei repeated while his after image reached where (Y/N) was. We were pointing and shooting at where (Y/N) was. I accidentally pointed my gun and shoot her face. My eyes widened. "Owwww." Everyone stopped shooting. Even Koro-sensei  stopped the roll call.

It hit her glass which earned it a crack. "Guminasai. (Y/N)-chan. Gumini." "It's alright" she smiled while taking it off. 'It's alright' she said. But I knew that was fake. "Um sensei. Can I go the bathroom?" "Hai. Please be back immediately and I'm sorry for your glasses."

"Yeah. Its your fault sensei." She glared at him.

"Ahhhh. Gumine. Gumine (Y/N)." Koro-sensei apologised

She smiled and slashed a knife at him. But ofcourse he just dodged. " Kidding Koro-sensei." "Nice atempt (Y/N). And oh Mina-san, please be careful at where your pointing your guns. Especially, Isogai-kun." "Ahehehehe" I sweatdropped as eyes were on me. I then notice (Y/N) leave the room. I feel guilty. My feet moved on its own and went for the door. "Sumimase Koro-sensei. Can I go to the bathroom too?" I look at Koro-sensei and Oka. They both smiled and nodded. I left following the disapperance silhoutte of a girl.

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