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Isogai p.o.v

Oka has been discharged today but still needs to rest. She needs it to be able to walk again. In few days time, she'll return here. Speaking of return, (Y/N) will be back today, hopefully. I've been anticipating her return but the same cannot be said by my classmates. It might be ackward for them. They got pretty confused with the situation, much like Bitch-sensei or Teraska had wild breakdown with this class. But I'm hoping that eventually, they'll accept her back.

It's already first period. Koro-sensei has already took the attendance and she's still not here. I guess she'll not show up today. Can't blame her. It maybe hard for her to come back. When all hope is lost for her to come, the door opens to reveal her. My heart raced when she arrived. All hopes lost is all hopes regained. I couldn't hide my smile but my classmates wasn't paying attention to her.

"Welcome back Ms. Houtarou! We missed you in E-class. Right mina-san?!" Koro-sensei proudly announced but everyone stayed quiet. (Y/N) had a sad smile plastered in her face. She nodded at Koro-sensei. Sensei sheepishly smiled and motioned her to sit. "You can sit now."

She walked along the aisle I was in. I looked at her but she was looking half way down. When she arrives at her desk, she settled her things and grabbed a notebook. Instead of paying attention, she looked right outside the window.

"Ms. Houtarou? Is something wrong?" Koro sensei asked.

"Nothing. Continue Koro-sensei," She snapped out and panicly said. Koro-sensei continued his discussion about the incoming coverage of next sem. This will be the last day of class for us because winter break starts tomorrow and Christmas is next week. I glance again at her and saw that she was scribbling something on her notebook. '(Y/N)' I silently called to her. I wish I could talk to you like old times (Y/N).

>Timeskip: Lunch<

Class went by so fast that it was already lunch time. Everyone was talking about how they are going to spend their winter break. Maehara came up to me and suggested that we should be have a get-together tomorrow. I think that's a good idea. I make my way to the fromt and announced the agendum.

"So, Mina-san! I have an announcement," I said loudly. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to me. Even (Y/N) turned her eyes to me. It caught me off guard but nonetheless I had to hide it. "Since this is our last day and everyone will probably have plans for Christmas so Maehara and I have decided to have a get-together tomorrow. I would like first for all us to visit Oka. She's resting now but she's okay. I don't want her left out. Does that sound okay?" Everyone agreed with words of glee and relief for Oka. "And then we'll go to the Karaoke. I'll put up a paper here so you can list your names." They cheered except for one. The silver hair was now on introvert mode, headphones on her ears.

I hang up the paper on the board. As I turned around, everybody was now rushing forward to write there names. While I was crushed by the crowd, I scanned and see no presence of (Y/N). Where could she have gone to? I escape my classmates' crushing weight and look out the window. I see no sign of her.

As all of my classmates had already written their names, they went to their desk and some went out to have their lunch. Kayano and Nagisa invited me to have lunch with them which I gladly accepted. Even at this event, I can't concentrate. I can't get (Y/N) off my head.

>Timeskip: 15 Minutes till afternoon class<

I went out of the building to search for (Y/N). But still I can't see her. I take a last look and give up. Before I could return to the building, a certain figure landed on front of me.  A gush of dust flies through me, making me cough. When the dust cleared, I saw who it was. It was (Y/N). The girl I fell for fell right in front of me.

"Hey," She says with a face I can picture as a expression of a both shock and ackwardness.

My face heats up by this appearance. (Y/N) and her entrance are quite out of this world and are really not that forgettable. You bumped into me crying, you landed on top of me, you fell into my hands, and now, you jump right in front of me. Ever since, my heart raced like never before. I couldn't focus anymore on studies, on Oka. You were always on my mind and now, you're drilled into it.

"Hi," I raise my hands ackwardly without looking at her. "Um are you----"
The bell rang, interrupting me. Damn. The bell just have to cut me off. She turns around and walks away. I follow her towards our classroom. This feeling that things and things would always happen, hindering me to try to reach her.

(Y/N) P.o.v

Clock hits 5:00 pm and every single soul heads out with excitement. The room, which was loud at last ring of the bell, diminishly became quite. Koro-sensei requested me to stay for awhile to talk. I already know what he's going to tell me and I already know what to say. As the people gradually exit, I realized not one of them talked to me, let alone greeted me. Not even Karma who was clearly still mad at me. Throughout the day, my encounters we're less than pleasant because my classmates would give me a half-hearted smile and an inconsistent eye-contact. I can't blame them. After all that I have done, I have no right to expect.

Koro-sensei appears in front of me with his mach 20 speed. Usually, I would try to assassinate them. But for now, I don't. It's not why I stayed.

"So Koro-sensei, what are we suppose to talk about?" I smile a fake one. It is not because I like to fake a smile but I did it to hear if Koro-sensei does have something to offer.

"This wasn't our best chance," Koro-sensei said.

"I did what I had to do."

"But did it really do us any good Ms. Houtarou."

"I don't know. Did you?"

"No. Even if you think it's for our best, is it really our best interest?"

"Where is this going?"

"I'm telling you that you should consider what people might feel on what you are doing even if you think that this is their best chance."

My eyes widen in disbelief on what Koro-sensei bluntly said. All my life, I have been forced to think that way. That when I try to be selfish or greedy, I end up but hurting others. It's always better to be selfless. Noble as it maybe, it controls the damage.

"You don't know anything."

"But I do know. Karma voluntarily related why you have this mentality."

"How much do you know?"

"Enough. Enough to tell you that you can be selfish or greedy. All you have to do is forgive yourself. But no matter how many times I tell you or any one else, you have to do it yourself."

"I can't. I've already walked down to much in this path. Redemption be damned," I say shakingly. My tears come down my face but was wiped by Koro-sensei and his hanky.

"It's never to late Ms. Houtarou. How about this? You can start by writing your name on the list," He points to the list on the board. After saying that, he disappeared. Right there he left me. But I was thankful though. I can decide alone without any worries.

I walk up to the board where the list was posted. All of my classmates wrote their names. I had second thoughts. It was evident on how I would raise or pull back my hand to write. 'You just have to forgive yourself,' Koro-sensei's voice echoed in my head. With a deep breath, I wrote three small letters. V-A-N. There. I did it.

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