You Can't be Mine

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(Y/N) p.o.v

I just came back from the bathroom. I actually did retouch. Screw that Karma. "Karma-kun?" "Oh ther. . .e. . ,you... are?" He was stuttering. He had a pink blush in his face. Kawaii. "Is there something in my face?" "Um.ano.aaah. Did you wear lipstick?" My face flustered into a bright red. "I-iit's just lipgloss. Ah here is the parfait!!!" They look delicious. Karma was taken back from his dazing self. "Aaaaaaah. Yeah. Let's let. Itadakimasu!" "Thank you for the food!"

"Oishiiiiii!!!" I commented gleefully. The cream just melts in my mouth. Karma was watching me with his arms on his left cheek resting. "You're so cute Van. I could kiss you!" He joked. "Ehhhhh. Nani?!! Wa-wa-what are you talking about, BAKARMA?" My face heated up, my ears puffing with embarassment. I glared at him. "I'm kidding!! But you do look cute." I exploded. So I shot back. "Hell yeah I am!" Stars began to be my eyes.

I finished my parfait. But I still wanted more. I stare at Karma. He's so cute while eating. I took my phone. Thank god its silent when I took a photo of him. When he looked back at me, I panicked and stood up while holding my hands right up. "Oh. There is no signal around here. Pick up. Pick up!" I sweatdropped. A girl just shouted "Oh!!! My crush just liked my photo!!!" Damn that Girl. I swear to God I sweatdropped buckets already.

He had his left eye brow shot up, earning an curious face. "Did you just take a photo of me?"  "Ah no. Just like I said. There is no signal!!" He reached for me but I lashed my hand out of reach. "Believe me, Oh no. Oh no.!!!" I was laughing. I heard someone say. "They look cute together. That guy is lucky!!!" My face blushed.

We sat back down. I saw Yuma-kun continue to wait for other customers. He really looks cute in that outfit. And then, we heard the boss scolding one staff. "Why didn't up you follow up the singer?" "Guminasai!"

"Van would like to volunteer!!!" Karma grabbed my hand and raised it. I was pulling it down but he was strong. "Hey, Karma its embarrassing!" "You can brine the owner into getting more parfait for free.!!!" "I'll do it!!!" I raise my hand. Free parfaits. Oh Yeah!!!

"What would you like in return?" The manager said with cross arms.

"Free parfaits!!!" I smiled gleefully.

"She's good at singing, Boss. Trust me." Yuma-kun intercepted quickly looking at the boss then at me. I swear to God, I had the pinkiest face right now. My hands were curling my hair. It has always been my defensive mechanism. "Prove it. There's a piano there!" I stand straight and went to the piano. "Hai!" I quickly open the piano case. My hands fondle with the Piano. I sat down and test a few keys. Then, I began to hum. Charles taught me how to play the piano. I can still feel his fingers supporting mine. Each keys pressing down, producing a beautiful melody.

I start to sing Taylor Swifts song: All to well. (I don't own anything.)

I sang with my eyes closed, remebering every moment. That one time when Charles and I snuck to the fridge to eat pudding. That one time when he told me stories. That one time when we watched the night sky at the hospital roof. That one time when he kissed me. That one time that he said he love me. That one time that we had our first dance.I loved every single moment I had with him, pretty and ugly. I remembered it all to well. 'Find someone you will never let go. Be selfish for once!' I hear him say. Hmm. I'll try Charles!

I finished the last few lines and then opened my eyes. One by one I heard claps until zi heard cheers. Karma was giving me a thumbs up while Yuma-kun was clapping. I returned the thumbs and smiled at Yuma. This one of the things I have never done for awhile.

"Well?" Yuma-kun said to the manager.

The Manager approached me and said, "Play few more songs and you'll get the parfaits." He smiled. "And I'd like you to sing for us once a week and you'll get free parfaits."

"Really?" I said with a smile plastered in my face.

"Really?" Yuma-kun said. I think I heard an exciting tone in his voice. He looked at me then looked away. "That will be nice, Boss.!"

"Indeed, Isogai-kun."

Isogai p.o.v

Why can't can't you concentrate,Isogai? Think of Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Our time together with Oka. I take a deep breathe and close my eyes. Everything went dark. Happy thoughts. Oka. Happy thoughts. Oka. Happy thoughts. (Y/N). Happy thoughts. . . (Y---y/N). Happy. . . . thoughts. The chimes awoke me. I was going to greet he customers but there was another employee doing it. Concentrate! Concentrate.

"eeeeeeeh. Why didn't you followed up the singer? Whose gonna sing now?" I heard the manager scold an employee. "She said she can't make it due to traffic. Guminasae!!"

There's no singer, huh? Just then I heard Karma shouting. "Van would like to Volunteer!!!" He was holding (Y/N)'s hand up. I saw her protesting while blushing. My hand curled into a ball. I look away.But then I remembered how good (Y/N)'s singing is.
"She's good at singing, Boss. Trust me!" I assured the voice then smiled at her. She had a blush across her face and was playing with her hair. You never change, do you? "Prove it!! There's a piano over there." "Hai!"

My eyes followed her. As she was at the piano, she caressed it and smiled. Her hands began to play with the keys. After awhile, she begans to hum then transitions to singing. She was singing All to well. Her voice is angelic. It calms the soul and comforts the hurt. Then her wavelength changed, I saw pain in her face. She was singing it out. She was singing it as if to remember something. 'She lost her first love to cancer' I remember Oka said. That's right! She's been through a lot. Like A LOT! There must be something I could do. I want to hug her. To say it's alright. But to no avail I can do that. It will only complicate things.

Her hair is down. She had no glasses on. A little make up is on her face. Her lips are shining. Its so kissable. What Am I thinking??? Seriously, Isogai?? Kissable? Just then, as she was singing the last of the lyrics, her lips curled. She was smiling!!! You're stronger than you think (Y/N)!! But the thing is. . . . you can't be mine. Oka has my heart. And I have hers. I can't do this to Oka. My heart felt a slitch twitch, indicating pain. Then. For this moment. For this time. Let me watch you. All we have is this distance. All we have is the stare. All we have is our friendship.

She finished the last few lines and then opened my eyes. One by one the audience gave her claps until cheers can be heard. Karma was giving her a thumbs up while I was clapping. She returned the thumbs and smiled at me. I smile back.

"Well?" I said to the manager. My eyes on its businessman mode while poking him on the arm.

The Manager approached her and said, "Play few more songs and you'll get the parfaits." He smiled. "And I'd like you to sing for us once a week and you'll get free parfaits."

"Really?" She said with a smile plastered in my face.

"Really?" I said, not caring if I sound excited. She was looking at me so I looked away. "That will be nice, Boss.!"

"Indeed, Isogai-kun."

I admit. I am excited. My ears get to hear her sing once a week. But then I realized, Am I doing things right? No, Isogai!!! Be a man and handle this! I'll definitely get you that glasses (Y/N)! And then my feelings will go away. Yet, these feelings for you is still lingering. So for the time being, let me enjoy this silent happiness. With you.

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