If only

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(Y/N) p.o.v

I glance at where Meg and Yuma was. She kissed her cheeks. My eyes stared intently at their public display of affection. I turned away, trying to look at the field I was going to run on. My heart felt a thorn in it. Am I attracted to the antenna boy? to isoga----Yuma-kun? Why am I jealous?

No, (Y/N). You must not think that way. You are not that low to steal someone from someone. I punched my chest, hoping it will stop this twitch.  But to no avail. I just glanced to where Karma was and stood up. "Come'on Karma. Cheer me on." I said with a loud voice, intending for them to hear. I'm evil for having this motive. I then hear Yuma-kun shouting the same. Is he doing it on purpose? I saw them holding hands. They really look cute together. I let out a sigh and silently cheered them on. 'So that's the way it should be. You're lucky Meg.'

I stand on the starting line. I didn't know that Yuma-kun was beside me. 'This hair is annoying. I better cut it soon.' I grab a scrunchie from my pocket tie my hair into a pony tail. I glanced at where Yuma was. He was looking at the ground. I look at the nape of his neck. So soft and warm. I then widened my eyes as my face turned red.I look straight ahead like a soldier. You're such a pervert (Y/N). I then remembered the same expression I had when I saw Charles' bare neck. I smiled warmly with my hands on together at my chest. "On your marks, get set, ready? Go" I hear a gunshot and started to run. Yuma went ahead of me. My competitive side began to sprout. I ran faster, almost reaching the others ahead of me. When I passed by atenna boy, I smiled my warmest smile. I thought to myself,'Smile for me. Run beside me. Be with me before you go back to the one who owns your heart.' But I remembered that its selfish to be like this so I run ahead, leaving the Ikemen behind.

Oh God! Help me get rid of these feelings. If I were to fall in love again, it would be the kind of relationship that no one objects to or gets hurt with. Everything went into a blur. 'Find someone who you would never let go. Be selfish for once!' I hear Charles in my mind. Gumine Charles. Someone I'm attracted to is with someone else. How could I ever keep your promise when I would already let go. I couldn't bear with guilt.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" I shout while I ran faster. I ran and I ran with closed eyes. Let the world disappear. Let this feelings disappear. A rock met with me feet and I trip. I roll a few feet until I stop rolling. "(Y/N)!!!!" I hear yuuma shouting. He comes to my side, inspecting me. I tried to cover my tears but they escaped my eyes. I felt hands crawling to my back. Yuma pulled me into a hug. My classmates were screaming my name. Some of them were running to my aide, especially Karma. I quickly broke off the hug akwardly.

"Hey, (Y/N). Are you alright?" Karma said with a worried expression.

"Gumi, I wasn't looking where I was running. atatch. ow." I flinch at the pain in my legs. I had scratches all over them.

"Karma, bring her to the infirmary." Karasuma-sensei said. "The rest of you continue with what you're doing." Karma carried me bridal-style. I blushed. "Karma, I can walk."

"No!" He said sternly

I had no chance to protest. I take a peek from where Yuma was. He was staring. I stared back. I guess this will be our only means of communication. Both of us looking at both of our gazes. If only. . . . . . A tear escaped my eyes as I looked away.

Isogai p.o.v

(Y/N) was screaming and running faster. She didn't notice that she already running out of the line. At an instant, she tripped and rolled. "(Y/N)!!!" My feet changed its direction. My reflex were out of control again. I ran to were (Y/N) was lying. I sat and help her to sit. She had tears in her eyes. What pain do you carry (Y/N)? Why are you in pain? I wish I could stop it. And that, my hands reached for her and pulled her into a hug. She's so warm and soft. I wish I could feel this everday. Some of our classmate screamed her name and came to our aide. She broke our hug. I blushed with what I was doing. Karma approached her. I backed away.

"Hey, (Y/N). Are you alright?" Karma said.

"Gumi, I wasn't looking where I was running. atatch. ow." She had scratches in her legs. "Karma, bring her to the infirmary. And the rest of you continue with what you're doing."

Karma carried her in a briday-style. She was protesting but gave in. I wished I jad carried her there. I just stare at there vanishing figure. But then she was staring at me with the eyes I saw always. Why do we just have to stare at each other? I guess that is the only way we can communicate. If only. . . .

Just then I realized. OKA!! I look at where she is. Her eyes were filled with tears, just ready to explode. Oh what have I done?

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