First and Last

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(Y/N) p.o.v

"I'm truly sorry!" My frustrations gave in. Tears are falling down, making my chest a little lighter. That was the only thing I was waiting for from him. And now, I was sinking  into his warm hug, making me forget everything. A hug I wish we could never break. But no, this is not suppose to happen. Karma should've been the one who saved me. The one who is more appropriate to love. Yuma has someone else who he should be tending to. Not me. That's when I decide to break the hug by putting my hands on his chest and push. But instead of pulling back, he hugged me even tighter. "Yu-ma-Kun???" "Just a little longer." He then burried his head on my shoulder. My face went numb. What are we doing? This is wrong in all way you can look at it. A blush tinted my face. 'Just a little longer' his voice repeats in my mind. What do you mean Yuma? Don't leave me hanging here.

Just then Karma bursted out the door screaming my name. "Van!!!!!" We broke our hug as soon as he entered the room. "Oh?" He said, almost sounding disappointed. He then returned back from his thoughts, "How the hell did you two end up there?" "Long story! I'll explain later!" I shout back. "First get some help!!!" "But........" "Get some help! We'll be waiting here!" "Okay" He muttered "But stay safe!" I nod at him.

We were left alone. This is ackward. None of us both dared to speak up. Maybe that was the embarrassment from earlier. My face heated up. No, No,No, No!!!!! Get out of my head! I know. To get rid of this atmosphere, this ackwardness, I tried to speak up. "Um. Yuma-ku. ......?" When I flipped my head to turn to him, I immediately wanted to turn back. Our faces were inches apart. Neither of us tried to pull back. I can even feel his breathing hitting my chin. What made me even nervous is what he did next? His left hands cupped my left left cheek and moved in closer. Our noses were practically touching. What are you doing  Yuma??? I could not break from it. What am I doing? What are we doing? This is madness. I then thought what would the people around us feel, especially with people we have close ties with. But instead of our lips touching, he pulled my forehead to his. "I was right! You have a fever (Y/N)!" My mind immediately heated up! Was I expectingg something different?! I mentally facepalmed! But he was right. I do feel hot! Maybe from exhaustion.

He wrapped his coat around me to keep me warm. I was now shivering. The cold metal on my back wasn't helping. Yuma noticed this and grab me and put my head on this chest. The warmth from before, from before this before, and from way before. I missed it. And now, I get to feel it again. You are so kind. So warm. You really are an Ikemen Yuma-kun. No wonder, Meg fell for you. She really is lucky! I sigh, sounding defeated. What can I do? This feelings for Yuma would do me no good. I take a look at him. You are good looking Yuma. Those yellow orbs. That hair and the atennas sticking out. Your voice.  Anyone could fall for that. Then again, all of you is for Meg. I finally realized what to do with my feelings. Love gurus would tell me to confess my feelings, even if life gets in the way. 'I like you Yuma!!' I confessed mentally. But there is nothing more painful than having destroyed relationships because of your feelings and desires. So, I'll just bury these things deep in my heart and one day, I'll be able to forget about them. A tear escaped my eyes. Guess, I could never love when I'm afraid to hurt someone at the same time. It's just plain unfair.

"Um. (Y/N). If you don't mind, can I ask you something?" He said out of the silence. I nod. "Why is this necklace of yours that important?" My hand holding the necklace tightened. I wish I could avoid that question but maybe he deserves to know since he saved me. Yosh! "It was the day before the examinations. The examinations that transfered me to E-class." Remembering that day was both made me happy and sad. A complex familiarity is what I would call it. "That day was our first and last date. A date with my first love, Charles."


'Help me, Van!' I immediately dashed out of school right when I read the text. What's happening to you, Charles? Hang in there! I'll be right there. I tried to call him but it was unattended. Dammit Charles! For all the times your phone could be unattended, it had to today. The hospital was a 5 minute travel by Taxi and 15 minute by foot. I didn't mind my exhausted body. I just ran and ran and ran until I was out of air.  As I entered the hospital, I ran to the nurses. "Hey, where's Charles, Candice?" "Oh!!!! Didn't you hear, he died?!" She was crying. "Tell me you're joking?" She shaked her head. "No?! No?! I want to see him!" "Follow me!" She escorted me to his room. When we arrived, I was about to open the door when a hospital bed carrying charles wrapped in white cloth emerged out. "Where are you taking him?" The staff did not bother to answer me. They just went straightforward. "Hey, where are you taking him?" I followed them while Candice strode along. They entered the cafeteria. Where the hell are they taking Charles? Why the cafeteria? The chairs and table were pulled back. I could tell it was pulled back even if it was dark because the staff just went straight ahead without bother if they'll bump into something. Then they stopped at the center, leaving Charles. When I turned around, there was no sign of Candice. The hell! What's happening??? I sighed and approached Charles. My tears started to flow. "Why did you leave me, Baka?!!!! You promised you'll survive!!" I took away the cloth that covered his face. A tear fell into his cheeks. Even in death, you still look handsome. Wait? He's warm!!! A hand then pulled my head downward. The next thing I new was that Charles was kissing me. "Whaaaaaaaaaattt???? You're not dead???!!!!!" I shout. "Oh. so you want me too?" "In fact, I like you that way? More stillness, less mischievousness!" I tried to sound stern and stubborn, turning around and crossing my arms. His hands made its way go mine, hugging me on the process. "I love you (Y/N)!" "I love you too!" I started crying. "You scared me!" "I know. I'm sorry. But it got you here!" He sounded excited. "What do you mean?" The lights then turned on to reveal a round table finely skirted with silverware arranged sophisticatedly on it. I didn't notice that he was wearing a tuxedo. He was completely formal. "Our first date! I told you! If they won't allow me out for a date, then they'll have to bring the date to me!" My eyes went into a glare, eyeing him for what he done. Slowly, I unlatch the scarf around my neck. His eyes was also in a defensive glare. It irritated me more. My hands made one final grab and threw the scarf ball hard at his face. "Gyaaaah! I'm a sick person you know." "You made me run! You made me worry! And then and there I was thinking of making a eulogy for you! God dammit Charles!!!!" My tears returned. "Do not ever do that again!!!" "Hai!Hai! Well the food will get cold. So. . . . ." He knelt down. "Would you go out in a date with me Van?" "Yes. Yes. I will now and more and more dates to come!!!" I said hastily while crying, compensating my overjoyed self.  "Then let's go!"

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