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Isogai p.o.v
It's been a few days when I had an unexpected encounter. It was time to go back to reality. To go back to the usuals. As expected, Oka was waiting for me. She signaled her driver off and then we head off. Her hair was tide th same way she always did. She's so pretty. My eyes stared at her pretty intently. And with that stare, came my desire to kiss her in the cheeks. I did just that. Nothing pulled me back from doing. She stopped on her tracks. Her face started to shade itself with a thousand shades of Red. "Um. Iso??? What was that for?"

I realized what I just did an sheepishly smiled. "Nothing! I guess I just missed you!"

"Really? That's what you have to say? We just spend the whole day together yesterday!" She joked while flicking me in the forehead. "Ow!" I rub my poor temple. "I miss you too Iso!!!!"  She kissed me back. My face flustered.

"Let's get going!" She said, interwinimg her soft fingers into mine. "By the way Iso! Let's go for the amusement park this sunday for the date. I wanna ride the rollercoaster!"

"Sure. But I warn you, the last time we were there you were all clingy to me!!!" I laugh. She nudged me on my arm. "Kidding Oka! Seriously? You should already be used to it!!!" Her lips turned into a duck. She's pouting. I grab her chin and said,"Wear something beautiful, okay?"


My mind then fell into a trance. We should do this more often. That way, I could forget about (Y/N).

>Timeskip: Sunday Morning<

Its morning. The clock says 8:30, I still have 1 and a half hour to get ready for our date. We'll meet at 10am at the amusement park. For some reason, I feel excited. Yosh!!! I'm gonna make it up to Oka. And I'll try to lessen my feelings for (Y/N).

I rub my eyes and went to the bathroom. My eyes are full of morning glories. *Sigh* Bit by bit, I pluck it out of my eyes. I turn around to the shower. Cold water again! *Sigh again* My hands adjust the water speed. Ohohoho, damn it's cold. I wish I could've woken up early and heated some water. But it'll have to do.

I take off my clothing and entered the shower. It took few seconds for my body to adapt to the freezing cold water. My body got accustomed to the temperature and for that, I let the water cover my entire body. It's so cold that I want some warmth. Like the warmth from the hugs I get from Oka. Pervert. Like the warmth from (Y/N). My eyes shot open. What are you Isogai? A pervert? I rack my brain while I continue showering. I grab the shampoo and squirt a little bit of it on my hand. The sticky substance began to bubble in my hand as I rub through my hair. After a few minutes, I rinse of the shampoo. Yosh. On to soap. I fondle with it in my hands and began to rub it to different parts of my body. This is my favorite part. I really take a long time when I soap my body. The soap just relaxes me. Hoooooo! I puff. Then I rinse it off and after a few more time with the shower, I turn it off and dry myself. I exit the shower and went ahead to the mirror. I take a good look at my body. It so different from before. Looks like training and assassinating paid off. My body has been more muscular. I grin at myself. Narscissist mode. I brush my teeth then head off.

Then I went to my room and grab a boxer. While walking around the room, I take few clothing out of the drawer. Okay. There's a royal blue blazer with a white t-shirt and white shorts. Then there's a vintage jacket with black long sleeve with black jeans. And there's that orange jacket with bluegreen v-neck shirt with a army jagger jeans. Wow. Even though we're poor, I got some good style in here. Yosh! I'll go with the first option.
I slip it on me then slipped my black rubber shoes. I head down stairs where my mother is.

"Mom, I'll be going out. Gotta meet Oka for the date." I say to my mother.

She coughs. "Hai. Be back before 10 in the evening, okay?"

"Hai. Lil' Bro and Sis. Take care of Mom for me. Itikimasu!" I pat the heads of my younger siblings before leaving. It's 9:40am. Thank goodness I still have time. I plug the head phones on my ear and grab my wallet. The train just arrived when I arrive. This really might be a good day for me. For the both of us.

Just when the song ended, the next song played. It was Taylor swift's All too Well. I immediately paused it and played the next song. No! I am and will not think of you today (Y/N)!!! Oka. Oka. Oka. I just sighed and looked outside the window. I really wish things would go my way. Please. Onegai.

I arrive at the train station and head out for the amusement park. I look up. Sigoi. The weather's beautiful today! My lucky day. Just a little bit and I'll be there. When I turned around the corner, I saw the least person I wanna see. She was standing there alone, with beats headphones on her ears. God dammit! Why does it have to be this way? I thought this would be my day of silent redemption. And I wanted to confirm that this was all an infatuation but what are you doing (Y/N), you're even making me more confused? Its not her fault though. I just give up and walked to the her.

"Hi! There Yuma-kun," She greeted me cheerfully. "Fancy meeting you here!"

"Yeah." I muttered a weak smile and raised my hands tiringly.

She noticed my expression. "Is something wrong?" She raised her hand to my forehead. Oh my! Don't (Y/N)! Don't do this! "You don't have a fever? Did you you eat well?"

"Yep. I ate on the way."

"Well, you don't look good?" She had a worried expression in her face.

"I'm fine."

"Really? You can talk to me if you want." She said with a warm smile.

Why are you doing this? Huh? Please just leave (Y/N). I don't know what to feel anymore.

"Yuma-kun? Did you fight with Oka?"

And that instant I snapped. "Would you stop it!!!I'm fine okay.!!!!Don't do anything!!
AND NO WE DIDN'T FIGHT! DON'T GO BUTTING IN ON OTHER PEOPLES BUSINESS!   MIND YOUR OWN THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!" I just slashed away without thinking what I just said. I was panting.

"I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry. For what ever things I've done, I'm sorry. And sorry for ruining your day." She apologised while bowing. I could've swear that a tear went down your face.

I calmed down, realizing what I have just said. "Look, (Y/N) it's not tha--"

"Iso!!!!" I heard Oka call my name. I turn around to see her. I waved at her to come close. Then I flipped back to where (Y/N) was.  She had already turned her back.

"Enjoy your day!" She said with a little pain in her voice. It was not right for me to do that. I was just about to reach for her when Oka grabbed my hand. "Iso? is something wrong?"

I look to where (Y/N) was. She was with Karma. They went ahead inside the park. I grit my teeth and looked away, pain in my chest, "Hey, is there something wrong?"

"No, its nothing. Let's get going." I faked a smile. I take her hand and went inside.
I felt guilt all over me. She didn't deserved that. What the hell happened to you Isogai? Why'd you yell at her? She was just concerned. Of you. And that's how you returned the favor.

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