Come back

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(Y/N) p.o.v

I had just finished my community service and pretty sure the smell of bathroom seeped through my skin. This was the very last bathroom I had to clean. I'm not the girl that acts disgusted with dirty chores but I swear to God, I won't be cleaning toilets for a while. I go to one of the cubicles to do my thing. When I finished, I heard girls gossiping. My eyes look at the small horizontal opening of the door. I saw two girls retouching their make up.

"Ain't she a slut?" I hear one of them say.


"The silver-hair bitch?"

They're talking about me.

"Oh, that girl? Can't believe Asano's dating her. Did you hear? She got E-class in trouble."

You're just scratching the surface. You don't anything.

"But she did us a favor though. She made the E-class look bad. Means they wouldn't be puffed with pride."

I wouldn't say that. They'll come back for sure.

"Yeah, their ego just got crushed."

I opened the cubicle door, instantly revealing myself. Whatever they had to say, they stopped. They become silent, making their eyeliner and lipstick as an excuse. I slowly walk up to the middle sink. My eyes glare at them through the mirror. They immediately packed up and went ahead. I exhaled with frustration while my hands supports my wait.

My hands gather my hair and tie it into a pony tail. I take a good look at my face. It's pretty overloaded with make up. I always have it that way. I was cursed with it. I wanted to hide the monster that was me. I wanted to hide a person that had still cling to me. The person that wanted to run away from the past. The past was painful for me to think about. Especially with what I did. I still couldn't forgive myself for that. It pushed me to think and act like this. I want to be happy but I still worry. I want to be selfish. I want to be greedy. But it came at the expense of another soul.

That red lips doesn't fit me. The thick liner in my eyes make me look like bartender. My cheeks didn't match with pink blush. This eyebrows make me look intimidating. The false lashes look so fake. Then my eyes water. I have been hiding. And always will be. I unzip a portion of my and grab my wipes. I rip the false lashes of my original ones and grab a wipe then harshly scrub my face. Tears came running down my face. When everything was off, I wash off any remains with water. I take a look at myself. This was the selfish, dirty, greedy bitch that just took off her make up. I squinted which reminded me to take off my eye lenses. Everything now was a blur. My old glasses was on reserved in my bag. With one last look at my face, I put on the glasses.

I make my way out of the bathroom with hesitation. But I decided to wear this face.

"Houtarou?" I heard a familiar voice. I turn to see who it was.

"Oh hey, Asano-kun." I greeted. He was surprised by what he saw and blushed.

I blushed myself. "Beautiful." He dumbfoundedly said. He then shooked his head. "I nearly didn't recognize you."

"I know I look weird." I hide myself.

"No, no, you look pretty without make up." He smiled.

"Thank you."

"Hey, want to study together. Finals for this sem is coming."


We still kept our distance. He knows that we weren't official. I was sure by now he figured out everything was just a ruse. I don't know why he's still hanging around me. But I smiled at the thought that he has a soft and warm side and I'm glad he's showing it to me.

"Hey, would you like to check out that new restaurant in the city after class." He suggested with his sweetest smile.

"Uh, no." I rejected him.

"But-" He tried to speak but unfortunately, I can see through him.

"I'd rather go to the arcade in the mall."

"Fine. But if ever you feel like it, just say so."

Then I remembered. I want to join the dance club. "Hey, would you be my dance partner?"

"What?! No, I can't dance." His face reddens. He really can't. And here I thought he can do anything.

"You can if I teach you. You can do it all right?!" I target his weakest link. His weakness to accept any challenge. With one last push I said, "Well, I guess I'll ask someone else. How about Ren? He'll make a great partner."

"I'll do it." He said immediately. I knew it. I smiled triumphantly.

We walked towards the library when we ran to Karma, Isogai, Nagisa, Maehara, Kayano and few more. I barely can keep eye contact with them. Their eyes are to much to bare. We tried to ignore them but Karma spoke up, stopping us on our tracks.

"Both of you. We have a proposition for the both of you."

"We have nothing of yours that interests us."

"Oh but we have." Karma sly replied then shifted his focus on me. From sly to serious, Karma's expression changed fast. "In this upcoming exam, out of 5 subjects, the class who tops the most can give one request to the losing class. The loser will cooperate fully. Just like old times Asano where you lost to us."

"You've got guts trying to face us but this sounds like fun," Asano went into competitive mode.

"This is really going to be fun," Karma evily retorted. Then Isogai intervened between there tension with a technicality statement.

"Since there is a request, I would like to tell you what it will be," He says while his staring at me. What are you thinking? "(Y/N) be transfered back to E-class without question."

This took me by surprise. After all I did, you still want me back to E-class. Karm was silent as if they were synching. Asano was furious than surprised. "Like hell I will agree to that."

"Come on Asano! If you're overly confident on monopolizing the 5 subjects then why not," Isogai said. I didn't think he'll say something like that. There are things I really don't know about him and I probably can't anymore. This bet is too risky.

"Are you really sure Isogai?" I ask. I try to be intimidating to keep up the act but instead I sounded more concerned.

"You underestimate us too much (Y/N). We will win and I will get you back (Y/N)," He bravely stated. Wow. He's really confident. Why are you so confident about Isogai-kun anyways? You're ruining my act and threatening your best chance. Please don't do this. In desperate attempts to discourage him,

"You'll lose." I say straight on, hoping he'll change his mind.

"No, we will not (Y/N)," he said, staring at my eyes. Then with a smile, "And I just want you to know, your best chance is in E-class."

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