Window Entrance

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Isogai p.o.v

It's been days since I last saw (Y/N). I've been worried crazy. But I couldn't blame her for being absent. It's all my fault. Choosing things that doesn't really gives you an option sucks. I wanted to fight for her. I wanted to choose her. But I can't. I can't leave Oka and my mother for that matter. 'I-I guess it wasn't mean to be.' Gumi, (Y/N). Gumi, (Y/N). I just arrived at the main campus, waiting for Oka. It's 30 Minutes before class starts. I guess I'm early. I scratch my head while I lay my back on the hard concrete wall. Few people passed us by. Looks like they're in a hurry. What for? It's still early.

I whisk to where these people are going. When I made the turn, I saw a girl with silver hair. A new student. She's that popular already. "Guess some people do have the charms to charm other people." Wait, why do I get the feeling I've met her before. And then an image flashed, separating from the girl. It's (Y/N)! No, I must be imagining things. That's right! Mirage at its best.

"Iso!!!!!!!" I turned around and saw Oka waving from her car. She stepped out and immediately hugged me.

"Woah! woah! woah! Someone's awfully happy!" I was suprised about her happiness today. It's like nothing ever happened.

"I know what you're thinking. It's okay. My mother told me to be happy. And I'll do just that."  She said with a pained expression and a forced but soft smile. I grab hold of her hand. Her eyes look intently at it before interwining it with mine.

"Thank you, Iso."

"For what? I haven't done anything to be thankful for."

"Thank you that you haven't left me. Thank you for being there." Her fingers tightened around mine. My eyes narrow down, trying to hold back my pained expression. It was a little while before I answered.

"Ofcourse Oka." My voice sounds like a scrub. I know she can see right through it but she just flicked it away.

"Let's go."


The girl isn't there anymore. Anyways, there are more things to think about. Like training and upcoming exams and (Y/N). I bet some of our classmates already visited her. I'm betting all my bets that she'll be here today. And for that, I'll make an important decision. If she comes, and nothing changes, I'll love her. And if not, then it's time to let go. If she comes, and nothing changes, I'll fight for her. And if not, then it's time to loose this battle. If she comes, and nothing changes, I'll take what my mother said and be happy. And if not, then it's time to think about my mother's health.

"Iso, is something wrong?"

"Nothing. Oka. Let's go or we'll be late."We head off to our perilous but fun classroom.

We arrived just in time before the bell starts. It's already almost full. All of our classmates greeted us back, or most specifically, Oka. I smiled at the thought that many people care for her. Arigatou, Mina. I exchange greetings with others while Maehara and I exchange fistbumps. As I scan the room, (Y/N) hasn't arrived yet. Or will she ever arrive? Karma's here, reading some math books. Maybe he knows her whereabouts. I approach him. Before I could even talk, he cuts me off. "If you're looking for Van, don't bother. I texted her if she'll come and hasn't replied." He almost said irritatingly. "And oh, back off from her."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Nothing in particular. Just fending off people who will hurt Van." He said sarcastically with an evil grin. My hands balled into a fist. "You have no idea!"

"That's right! I have no idea." His hands are playing with a pen. "I have no idea so you don't have to care." He eyed me with eyes cold as ever. I turn my back, not attempting to argue further. God. It's hard to deal with a demon. I grab hold of Oka's upper arm, giving her an assurance, just to make sure. After I took my seat, Koro-sensei arrived in the classroom. As usual, we try to assassinate him while he takes an attendance. "Ms. Houtarou? Ms. Houtarou? Absent again. I'm beginning to worry." You are not the only one Koro-sensei. I shoot straightforward, not bothering to budge. It's my defense mechanism. I'm holding it back for Oka. With 5 minutes wasted in assassination, Koro-sensei finally closed his attendance record and proceeded with class. Just when he was about to start classes, a window and the backside of the room shot open and in came the silvered hair. Is my eyes deceiving me or is this girl entrance in slow motion? Wait, (Y/N)!

"(Y/N)-chan?" Kayano said in surprise, wanting to make sure.

"Hey, Kayano, mina, Koro-sensei. Did I miss anything?" She said dumbfoundedly while breathing heavily. When her gaze meets mine, she took a few second to look at me and then passed to another angle. It's like she's not hesitating anymore. It's like she doesn't know me. 'Or she doesn't care, Isogai,' I mutter to myself.

(Y/N) p.o.v

"You missed the part of attendance/assassination but for now I'll let it slip. And next time, there's this magic portal called a door." Meg unexpectedly and sarcastically retorts. She almost sounded irritated.

"Oh Meg. Windows can be portals too. Only, it's more fun." I sarcastically joke. She stares at me with crossed-arms. I do the same with one arm on my waist and one arm on the strap of my guitar. I bet everybody feels the tension but they don't why.

Yuma coughs which makes Meg look at him. She scans the room and sees everybody staring back and forth from her to me and vice versa, confused on this growing silent war.

"It's good to have you back, Ms. Houtarou. I'll hand you some notes for you to catch up with the lessons." Koro-sensei sweatdrops while he spoke.

"Thank you, Koro-sensei. But no thanks. I've been studying while I was gone." I bragged. So this is what it feels like to be intimidating. People couldn't bear to look at me. It feels good. I could get use to this. I take my seat besides Karma who pokes me at my waist. My body fidgets before glaring at him.

"Sorry but are you alright?" Karma asked.

I force a smile. "Better than ever." I flicked my hair and put my guitar down. Koro-sensei started discussing. My attention was elsewhere though. I look outside the window, wondering if this path leads me to what Charles always wanted for me.

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