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Isogai p.o.v

"I love you too Karma."

That 5 words made my day go south. But I shouldn't be. I don't have a saying on how hey should be. Still, I couldn't believe said that. My hands that are interwinning Oka's tensed up. Oka sensed it and asked if I was fine. "Iso! Don't tell me your afraid." I saw Oka smiled devilishly. Oh, I never thought Oka would be like this. "No, its just that I'm still recovering from the previous ride!" She began to nudge me on the elbow. "Ehhh. Iso is afraid. Iso is afraaai-----" I interlock her with a kiss on the lips. I broke the kiss first and said "Shhhhhh!" Oka was dumbfoundedly nodded, tinting her face with pink. "Okay, lets go then." My eyes then centered on someone. I bet she was staring. (Y/N)! Her eyes widened when I met her gaze and quickly turned around. I was dumbfounded. What was that suppose to be? Wait, I just remembered something. When will I apologise to her? Guess I still couldn't find the chance. Maybe tomorrow at school would be fine. Yosh. Let's just enjoy the day then.

The horror house really is something. It looks too real. Not that I'm afraid though. Oka began to cling to me as we entered the gates of hell or whatever it's called. I assured her that I'll be right here. My hands grab her waist and pulled her towards me. We were followed by Kayano and Nagisa, then by Karma and (Y/N). Hey, hold on a sec. Are they holding hands? They both seems pretty happy. Guess who is angry again. "Gyaaaaaaaah!!!!" I hear Oka scream. She was screaming in fright. I was right. This house really is good. Almost too good. I grab her by the waist and continued to lead the way.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!" Both Nagisa and Kayano by passed us screaming. We both laughed. They sure are easy to scare. My eyes glanced back at where the other two were. (Y/N) is giggling while Karma was blushing. "Is it just me or did you just got scared? by a floating white piece of cloth?" "Stop it Van! I ain't afraid." Just then the white cloth appeared at Karma's back. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Karma quickly ran towards (Y/N) and hugged her. "AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" (Y/N) bursted laughing. Seeing her laughing is priceless, not to mention beautiful. Hey, hey Isogai what are you thinking again? "Iso, is something wrong?" "No, lets go ahead!" I fake a smile.

We just finished the course and went out of the house. Kayano and Nagisa looks like they are about to pass out. I mentally laugh at them. "Where are Karma and (Y/N)?"
"I think they're still inside." Oka said out of the blue. Yeah,   taking too long there. Don't tell Karma has confessed? Or is it the other way around? I shake my head like a dog. "Ja, then lets wait for them at the bench!" I said to escape thinking of anything regarding those two!

Just then, the two burst out the house, laughing. "And that's how I got this bed hair!" (Y/N) laughs continuously. "You're still beautiful with that bed hair!" Really, even here? I sigh. "Oh! Mina-san! Guess that's the end of the day! Arigatou for coming!!!!!" (Y/N) said with a thankful tone. "Nooooooooo!!! I still wanna ride the Ferris Wheel!!" Kayano said, "Right Nagisa-kun?!!!" Nagisa just sheepishly smiled. "Okay one more ride!!" Oka agreed, "And we get to spend alone time Iso!!" She faced me while clinging to my arm. I nodded in agreement.

"Where is it??? where is it??? where is it???? where is it???" (Y/N) was panicking. "Where is it???!!" "Hey Van? You alright??" Karma said concernly. He puts her arms on her shoulder and makes her turn around. She's crying! "Van? what's the matter?" "I've lost it!" She started to sob. "I lost the necklace!" "Let's go find it!" Karma said but got rejected. "No, I don't want to bother you. I'm the one who lost it!" She was about to ru off when Karma stopped her. "I'm going with you!!!" Karma tried to force himself. "No, please!!!" He was taken back by what (Y/N) said. "Then be careful then!"

>15 Minutes Timeskip<

"Why isn't she back?!!!!" Karma snapped. "She's supposed to be here now!!" "Now, now Karma. (Y/N) will be alright by hersel-----huh?" We heard a scream. "VAN!!!!!!" Karma shouted. He dashed inside the haunted house. "(Y/N)!!!" I myself is shouting. Oka was even shocked by my shouting. "Iso?" "Gumi! It's just that (Y/N) is in trouble! We have to help her!" I was about to walk in when Oka tugged on my shirt. "I'm coming with you!" Oka said straightforwardly. "No! Its dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt, Okay?" "Okay, be careful Iso!" She kissed me on the cheeks. "Yeah! Be back here quickly!"

(Y/N)! Where the hell are you?? Is that necklace that important?? I ran towards every direction the house has to offer, not caring about the daunting sceneries. "(Y/N)!!!! Where are you??!!! (Y/N)!" I kept shouting. "Where are you?!!!" "Y-Y-Yuma-kun!!" Her voice is rashed, almost like she's been crying harshly. "Where are you?!" "I don't know" "Can you describe anything near you? anything?" "No!!! Don't come its dangerous!! Call an employee!!" Dangerous? Well, this is a horror house. It suppose to sound and look dangerous. But judging from her voice, something really came up. I ran . Then I saw a figure. (Y/N)! When I saw what was happening, I froze. (Y/N) is tiptoing on a plywood while her hands are tied up on a rope. "(Y/N)!!!!!" "Yuma-kun?" She looked at me with eyes that screams. "What happened?" "Help me pleaaaaaase!!!" I tried to walk but she stopped me. "No this wood would not hold the both of us!" "Then, what should I do?!" "Call for a staff, they may have safety nets!" "I'm not leaving you here!" "And I'm not going to let you get hurt because of my carelessness!!!" She shouted. I was taken a back!. I was just about to call for help me when I heard a crack. No! The plank is breaking under her weight! Its not gonna hold much longer. I  couldn't leave her here. Even if the rope will keep her from falling, it will hurt her arms and the possibility of it breaking. I mustered my strength. "(Y/N)!!! I want you to take your hands off the rope!" I instruct. "Are you nuts? I'll fall!!!" "I won't let you fall!" I hope. "Do you trust me?" She was hesitant but after a few seconds, she started to take off the rope. The plank was cracking even more. Then I ran. I ran as fast as I could and grabbed (Y/N) then jumped off to the other end. Thank God we made it. "Umm. Yuma-kun?" "Nani?" "Could you get off me? " I scanned for a few moments at the person under me until I realized (Y/N) was under me. Immediately, I took myself of from her. "Gggggggggguminasae!!!" "Its okay! I should be the one who should say sorry!" Then I snapped for what happened. "WHY ARE YOU BEING CARELESS?!!!!!!!!" "Gumi.I-I waass. um. ano. looking for my necklace and found it here. I didn't thought the platforms would break so I grabbed hold for this rope!" Hear tears started a river down her face. "S-sorry-yy for -cau-causing you trouble!!! I'm sorry for ruining your day!!! I'm sorry that I got on the way on your date with Meg-chan! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She was crying now while bowing her head. How could I shout at her? This is the second time around! Instead of me apologising. You're terrible Isogai! You just made a girl cry for the second time for no heavy reasons at all. What should I do? "I'm sorry (Y/N)! I'm sorry for yelling at you. Not just for now but for earlier! I shouldn't have done that." My hands grabbed on to her shoulders and pulled her into a hug!! "I'm sorry." She was crying on my shoulders now. "I'm truly sorry!"

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