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Isogai p.o.v

I tried to talk to Oka about what happened. Her tantrum. My reflex. (Y/N). But she always cuts me off by saying sorry or she doesn't want to talk about it or she wants to forget all about it and move on. So I give up, thinking closure is no longer needed. I tried to be the boyfriend she wants. Or what her father wants. 'Maybe it wasn't meant to be,' (Y/N)'s voice repeats in my head. I guess so (Y/N). I guess so.

She has been normal these past days like nothing ever happened or she's trying to hide it.  Anyways, our classmates apologized and was forgiven by her. Nothing ever happened. I feel something is off. She's glowing, she's happy, she's smiling. I can never be like this after what happened. But she's happy. This is scary. I can't know whatever is wrong with her or what she's feeling.  Everything that happened to her. She's being denied of happiness. Life and now, me. 

I try to look at her but she's reading the window, her headphones on her ears. Her hair is new. Her appearance is new. Her personality is new. But one thing never did change. She's beautiful. I know I should be looking for a virtue or a character in her that makes her special but no, I can't find any except for she's a girl that is beautiful and that made my heart beat the way it never did for Oka. I'm sorry, Oka. I'm mentally admitting that right now. The only thing keeping me from doing it out loud is the fact that when we became official was because it was out of pity love. You asked me to love you on the reason that you were alone and sick.

>Short flashback:1 Year ago<

"Isogai-kun, please be with me. Please!" Kataoka-chan beg.

"Don't worry. I'll be here for you." I assure her but it did not worked.

"That's what they all say. My mother. My father. My maids. My butler. But they never make it reach me. For my parents, they're always working. For my maids and butler, They're there because they're obligated. I want you to say it because you want to be with me." She's talking fast. "Promise me."

"I promise." After I said that, she kissed me on the lips. My eyes were open wide but she was closed. No, this shouldn't be. I want to be in relationship because of love, not because she's sad. But if that's what she wants, and I promised her too.

"Thank you, Isogai-kun."

I smile barely.

>end of flashback<

I smiled when I looked at her. Then my view was blocked by Rio Nakamura. I couldn't clearly see what it was about but this is not good. Nothing always is good when a girl puts her two hands on her waist.

"You're a bitch! (Y/N)!" Rio screamed grabbing her book and throwing it across the classroom.

"Let me explain. Whatever you saw, it wasn't like that."

"What's there to explain?!!! You kissed him. You kissed Kazuto!"

"No! He kissed me out of nowhere. I immediately pulled back. He's not worth it Rio. I'm telling you

"You don't get to say that you Bitch!"

"Believe me Rio. It wasn't like that!"

Karma intervened, shielding (Y/N). "Watch it, Rio."

"You're protecting that Bitch?" She was about to go all out but she backed off when he saw Karma's bloodlust radiating.

"No it was like that!" Maehara said. "She's exactly what Rio says."

"What are you talki----?" She was cut off

"Minami. You couldn't just keep your mouth shut!"

"No, she wasn't the girl you expected."

"That's not your business. Stop butting you're nose where it doesn't belong." Maehara sure is mad. Just what did you do, (Y/N). When I saw her cry, my hands stomped unto the table.

"Stop it, you two. You're disrupting the others." I glared at the both of them. They stopped.

"Bitch!" Rio called her before turning away.

Just when matters gets worse, Karasuma-sensei barges in.

"Ms. Kataoka and Ms. Houtarou. The principal wants to see you both."

There were whispers. People were eyeing each other. Oka and (Y/N) began to follow Karasuma-sensei. Thank you Karasuma-sensei. I thought matters will get worse.

I hope not!


Matters did get worse.

"Oka! Oka! Oka!" I scream for her. The medical staff was towing her in an ambulance. She had a mask and a bloodied face. What happened. "Oka!"

"You can't proceed Sir. Only direct family or a teacher can accompany her." One of the staff told me.

Then one of my previous classmate told me what happened. "She pushed her Isogai-Kun. (Y/N) pushed her." My face flushed out. What did you do (Y/N)! I made my way to where (Y/N). She wasn't crying or even shaking. She was smiling. What's with that smile? Did you really do this? I approached her.

"Did you do this?" I ask, hoping the answer is no. Say no please. I'll prove you innocent.

"Yes." She smiled happily. What?! My eyes widen.

"No. You're lying!"

"Yes. I pushed her. You chose her so I pushed her so you can choose us again." She smiled without even thinking what she said.

"LIAR! YOU DIDN'T PUSH HER!" I insisted.

"That's why you're fool. You can't stand up for what you really want. Just like I am. "

"What are you talking about?"

"You couldn't leave her because you need you're mother alive, right?"

Okay she crossing the line. I'm sure she wasn't a girl, I could've already punched her.

"Yeah. I know about that tight situation you're in. So I pushed her Iso. So we can be together."

She's mad. She's gone mad. What the hell happened at the principal's office? But doing this? I can't understand why. Mentioning everything about my mother, about my girlfriend, and about us is making my nerves tick.

"You have no idea! Do you have the right to judge after what you did to Rio and  Maehara?" I reasoned which I immediately regretted. "Sorry."

"Yeah. I have no right. Oh here's an idea, how about you check on the witnessess and ask for yourself." Her sarcastic voice is getting on my nerves. Before I could explode, I said, "Then I'll do just that, Bitch!"

She was shocked by what I said. If you're trying to be a bitch (Y/N), I'll call you just that.  After her shocked expression, I half-expected to cry or to come crying to me but she didn't. What she did was close her mouth and curled her lips. She stood up and started to walk away. Then she said it. "Bye Bye, Yuma."

No. (Y/N). This will not be the last time we'll see each other. And I promise you, I will get answers from you. Next time, I'll tell you my true feelings. Whether if it's love or resent, I'll tell you. But for now, I'll go to Oka so she can have someone. Sorry. Tears? Am I crying? This is the first for the longest time I felt tears in my face. But why?

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