Unexpected Hug

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(Y/N) p.o.v

I left the room and went for the bathroom. I wasn't angry. At all. I was just sad. Sad because my glassess broke. I entered the bathroom. The moment I was inside, a tear ran down my face. I slowly leaned my back at the bathroom wall and sat down. I hugged my legs and cried. My tears couldn't stop flowing. Is this your sign Charles?

I take a good look at my glassess. My hands tightened around it. You're unfair Charles. Don't go breaking the stuff you gave me. I closed my eyes and remembered one moment.


"Hey, Van!" He greeted me while I was waking up. I rubbed my eyes. "Hey there." He leaned forward. I thought he was going to kiss me. Oh my. My first kiss. I closed my eyes and leaned forward. I waited for his lips to touch mine. But instead of his lips, he wiped the side of my mouth. Wait what?? My eyes shot open. He was grinning.

"Was I drooling?" I questioned

"Oh no, you were sharing your first kiss with the sheets." He joked. I punched his arm.  He faked a hurt expression. "So how was it, your first kiss?"

"Charles!!!!!" I scolded.

"Just kidding" He said with eyes closed and a smile. "Ne. Van. When I die, please find someone. please. I'll give you the sign that you should open your heart to someone" he said with one eye closed and with a thumbs up.

"What are you talking about?" I was shocked at his statement. Tears started to fill my eyes. "Baka. Don't say anything like that. Baka. Don't leave me. Baka."

"Oh right. I'm an idiot but. . ." I cut him off and hugg him. He just smiled and hugged me back. "Yeah. I won't be leaving you any time soon."

"Here! Happy Birthday!" He handed me a wrapped box. "Open it!"

"For me?" I dumbly ask while pointing at myself.

"Oh no. It's for the nurse. Nurse!" He said sarcastically.

"Okay. Okay." I opened the box and saw a pair of eye glases. "Arigatou Charles!" I try them on. "They're perfect."

A nurse rushed inside the room. Breaking the moment. "What is it Charles? Are you okay?" Charles was quick to save the moment! "Isn't Van pretty in glasses?"

>End of Flashback<

Tears continued to drown me. I was sobbing. And then I heard knocking. "Ah. (Y/N). Look. I'm really sorry about the glasses. I promise I would replace it." Isogai-kun said with guilt in his voice. I started to wipe off my tears off my face. I stood up and faced the door but I don't want anyone to see me like this. "It's okay really. No harm done. It was a silly old glasses anyway," I replied, trying to keep myself from being obviously crying.

He then opened the door to the bathroom. I was shocked. Now, I was panicking. As soon as I saw half of his face, I held the door. "Don't. Don't please. I look ugly." I was holding off the door from revealing my face. But he was stronger. He opened the door and grabbed my hand. He pulled me into a hug. "Guminasai (Y/N). Sorry for inconveniencing you. And you don't ever look ugly to me." I tried to protest but he held me tightly. "Isogai-kun." I managed to say, still surprised by the sudden turn of events. "Just call me Yuma." It calmed me down. I surrendered and just let him hug me. His chest was warm. I could feel his heart beating. And it was beating fast.



I heard familiar voices and look up. My eyes widened and broke off the hug. Meg and Karma was there, A blushed was on my face. Isogai-kun had the same and was as suprised as me. "Ah gumi Oka. A-ano? I was juuuust ah um." Isogai stuttered while explaining.

"Guminasai Meg. I am the one who is at fault. I apologise for such action. But I was crying so Isogai-kun was comforting me. Any true friend would do that," I smiled at them and bowed . "I am truly sorry."

She sighed, smiled and said." Lift up your head couz. No worries. I know my boyfriend well. Well enough that he'll do that so no worries."

"Sorry for taking your time Isogai-kun." "Sorry for any disturbance Meg-chan."

I start to walk forward while grabbing Karma. Reflexes were out of control.

"Eh. why don't I get an apology?" Karma with his mischievous smile. "Shut up! Just come with me!" "Alright, Baby." "I'm not your girlfriend."

I walked away while holding Karma's hands. I glanced back and he was grinning. I then turned to the two we left behind. Iso. . Yuma was looking back at me. But he then broke it off to look at Meg. Gumi. I should not be like this.

Isogai's p.o.v

I look at the shrinking image of (Y/N) and Karma. They were holding hands. It pains me to see that but I should not be. I looked away and looked at Oka. OKA. Oh My God. What am I doing?

"Oka. Sumimase." I bowed. Guilt filling over me.

I felt hands on my waist and then crawled at my back. Oka's hugging me. I hug her back. "Save it. It's okay Iso. You're maturing more and more." Her hug tightened. "Promise you won't leave?"

I froze with her words. My actions has been wrong. My mind has been wrong. My heart has been wrong. I should straighten it. "I love you Oka. I won't do that. I will never leave you alone." Gumi Oka. Gumi. I take one last look at where (Y/N) was but only her hair can be seen entering the classroom. I broke the hug. "Let's go to class. I bet they're waiting." "Hai!!" She smiled. She then headed back. I was about to follow her when I noticed that (Y/N)'s glasses were lying on the floor. I pick it up and look at it. "Iso?"

"Coming!!" I shout while putting the glasses in my pocket. 'I'll buy you a new one (Y/N) and then that's that'. I thought to myself before following Oka.

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