You chose her

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(Y/N) p.o.v

I call up Kayano.

"Hey, Kayano. Are you busy?"

"No. If watching anime is busy, then no. Is there something you want?"

"Remember that cafe that sells pudding?"

"I'll be right there bye. . ." She said excitedly then hunged up. I barely could even speak. This girl really loves pudding. Better head off to that cafe.


Fifteen minutes of walking, I arrived at the cafe. Seems like I managed to be ahead of Kayano. The cafe is cute. It haz name of Any Given Sundae. Brilliant. I mentally applaud the owner. From references, mostly from Kayano, they sell a lot of desserts. Good! coz' I'm starving.

"(yyyyyyyyyyyyy/nnnnnnnnnnn)!!!!!!" I heard Kayano scream happily while waving her hand. She is exhaling heavily. "So-rry fo-r be-ing laaaate!"

I put a hand in her back and rub it. "No, you arrive just on time. Why don't we take a seat?" We storm towards the door and find a seat. The waiter handed us menus. "Oh. (Y/N). They have so many flavors of pudding. It's hard to pick."

"Pick anything. It's on me."

"Really? Really? I won't hold back."

She then orders 5 different flavors of pudding. Wow. Me? I just went for a chocolate parfait.

"So, Kayano? I want to talk about something."

"What is it?"

"Um. It's more like about someone."

"Is this about karma and you?"

I hesistated for a little. She was wrong. The reason why I am hesistating is because Yuma broke up with Meg because of me and Kayano might take this the wrong way. I'm scared about things that might happen.

"No, it's not him."

"Well, who is?"

"Yuma." My voice was to prim and proper to be audible but Kayano heard it.


"I know its wrong. But he said that he likes me and he broken up with Meg because of me. I'm not a boyfriend stealer if that's what you think. I didn't even try something. Shocking as your face is showing, I was pretty suprised as well."

Kayano still shocked. "What about your cousin? She's hurting right now, probably?"

"Yeah. That thought crossed my mind. I couldn't bear doing that to Meg. My mind is in shambles right now. I can't think straight. And to make matters worse, Isogai said that he wants me to choose us and that he wants me to answer tomorrow night at the cafe his working on. How should I answer? Help me."

My voice is shaking. I can't even get it out right. I bluntly spill things out, never making sense. My hands hardened from nervousness. My heart is bumping inside my ribcage, wondering how Kayano will react. Instead of hearing a full-blown scold, she grabbed my hand. "I think Yuma has made a choice he took responsibility for. Now, what does your heart tell you? Whatever the answer, will you take responsibility for it? Can you handle the consequences of your feelings?"

I stare at Kayano with a frustrated and confused look. Kayano saw my face and repeat what she said but more slowly. "Tell me this. Do you like Yuma?" Hesistantly, I silenced for a few seconds then nodded. "What do think you should do?" She tigtened her grip around my hands. My eyes are looking at our hands. " I think. I think. I think." I redundantly repeat my words and then I realized what I should do. "I think he should know what I truly feel. He told me how he felt. And now, I should to. He deserves it."

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