Chapter 1

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I hate feeling trapped. Not in the 'oh my god get me out of this room I'm so claustrophobic' sort of way. No, I'm talking about trapped as in 'I've lived in this small little town for seventeen years of my life and I'm.never.getting.out.' I mean I should be happy. Right? Everything laid out for me on a red carpet, how else would it be, your dad being the mayor of the town and all. I'm no star child to say the least. My parents want me to do one thing and I flip and do the opposite. I'm into piercings and tattoos and 'punk rock' guys. They're sexy, who am I to deny that? All my life I've grown up having my parents frown upon the things I love most and what has that gotten me? If being a sarcastic, lazy, rebellious, procrastinating teenager is something then I should be okay.

You would think being the mayor's daughter people would cut you some slack. Instead, I'm failing two classes, I have exactly one friend, and the guy that I've been madly in love with since the seventh grade doesn't even know I exist.

Take today for example. The first thing my chemistry teacher asks for is our assignments from the previous class period. The one that is sitting on my desk at home with a half eaten pop tart on top of it. I may be a girl, but there is no semblance of order in anything that I do.

In second period my best friend Steph walks in and every eye of the male form notices her as she walks toward her desk. Steph is what the adults call an early bloomer, meaning she had boobs before the rest of us knew what a tampon was.

She carelessly plops herself down in the desk beside mine, leaning over to copy the notes that I-miraculously-took the night before.

"Shirt Steph." I mumbled, shrinking a little more in my seat as I felt the eyes turned toward us.

"Oh crap sorry!" She blushed reaching down and pulling up her very low cut v-neck. I just smiled and looked back down at my book. I had barely gotten one word read when Steph kicks me, making me jump almost completely out of my seat.

Stifling a giggle, she nods to the front of the room. There he is. I swear, this boy was sculpted by angels, he was not conceived. I bit my lip leaning forward a bit as he casually walked down the isle to his seat in front of mine. He smelled like woods and mint. I was so caught up in staring at the back of his soft brown tassels that I was thrown off when he turned around and asked me a question.

"Hey Bailey, what did you get for number twenty four?" Eli asked me, using that ever so charming grin, dimples flashing.

"Oh" I squeaked. "Um I-I got thirteen."

"Thanks" and with that he turned around.

I think I may have gone into shock because Steph had to wave her hand in front of my face to get my attention again.

"We talked!" I whispered so he wouldn't hear us. Not that it would matter considering he was talking to perfect little Bianca.

Steph rolled her eyes. "Love, he got your name wrong. He called you Bailey."

"So? It's better than nothing!"

"Ben, come on. You hate that name more than any other name on this planet. Calm down, he didn't ask you to mother his children." She waved her hand at me like I was wasting her time.

"Yeah but that smile. And you have to admit you were also watching is ass in those jeans as he sat down." Yes, I like the way his butt looks, sue me.

"Yeah I was watching." She said smiling. "But I'm not obsessing."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to my book, zoning out everything that was going on around me in class. I didn't care was the x value was in the equation. I wanted to know what the hell is going to happen to Sisyphus the hamster for Christ sake.

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