Chapter 5

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I'm going to be the first to admit it: I am an idiot. The night I was supposed to leave for Chula Vista, I forgot to set my alarm and I woke up at noon. My parents, being the responsible adults they are, went to work and didn't check to make sure I was awake. Needless to say, I didn't go to Chula Vista.

Instead, I bought another ticket and waited three more days to fly to L.A. My dad decided he wanted to drive me to the airport, but really he wanted to lecture me on how to behave in a big city.

"No parties, no drugs, no clubs, no alcohol, and no sex. Got it?" He gripped the steering wheel tight, like it was a football he didn't want to get stolen. "You have to remember you aren't in Roan Mountain anymore. There are bad people out there in the city."

"Gee dad, you're taking all the fun out of being a teenager. What ever shall I do?" I asked sarcastically.

"What you normally do. Be a hermit." His answer was so spot on it was scary. I smiled and looked out the window.

"In all seriousness, I'm going to miss you kiddo." He reached over and patted my leg twice, our sign of affection.

"I'll miss you too." I put my headphones in, ending the conversation. The rest of the ride went smoothly, no human interaction, and there was not as much traffic as usual.

My dad pulled into the parking garage and got out, taking my large suitcase with him. I went to the trunk and got out my smaller suitcase and my carry on. Together we dropped off the suitcases and walked to the waiting area for my flight.

"Do you want me to wait with you?" He looked at me expectantly.

"No, I'm a big kid now dad, I got this." I smiled, taking my carry on from him.

"Are you sure? I don't mind waiting with you."

"I know you don't. But I really don't need you to." I lied. It would be nice to have someone to wait with me, I just didn't want him breathing down my neck.

"Okay. Well bye kiddo. Have fun and be safe. Call me every night, especially if you get homesick." He pulled me into a large hug, almost choking me, he was squeezing so hard.

"Okay dad okay I would like to breath." I kissed him on the cheek and he smiled and walked away.

I looked at my watch. 12:37. My plane doesn't leave for another twenty-three minutes. I sat down in the chair closest to me, pulling out The Book Thief. I got so lost in it, I almost didn't hear them call for my flight. Almost. I started to get up when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a middle aged guy with a round belly standing behind me.

"Yeah?" I said harshly. I don't mean to be rude, I just wanted to finally leave.

"You dropped this." He held out, of all things, my ticket. I had been using it as a bookmark and it must've fallen out.

"Oh. Thanks." I took it from him and turned around, walking to the lady behind the desk.

I handed her my ticket and she examined it before smiling at me.

"Enjoy your flight Miss Ravens." She was to perky. I smiled tightly at her and walked on.

As far as seats go, I lucked out. I got stuck between an old lady who sat quietly and said few words and a kid my age who slept the whole time. Never once did she try to put her head on me, which I was grateful for. Both of her ears were filled with spikes that looked too painful to be digging into my shoulder for six hours.

I read for the majority of the ride. When I finished The Book Theif, I decided to write. It had been a while since I wrote a song, and I was inspired. I took out my writing journal and started scratching out words. Before I new it, I was doodling and I quickly became bored. I closed the journal and drummed my fingers on the cover. The old lady next to me gave me a funny look and shifted in her seat. I rolled my eyes and put the journal up, deciding to watch a movie instead. I ended up picking 21 Jump Street. No matter how many times I watch it, I never cease to laugh. When the movie was over we had five minutes until we landed.

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