Chapter 28

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Songs for this chapter:

Crash- You Me At Six

Where We Land- Ed Sheeran

Lightweight- Demi Lovato

Fallingforyou- The 1975

Sex- The 1975


Concerts were always exciting. No matter the crowd, just hearing them sing along to our songs, cheering us on, was amazing. It kept things off of our minds, and that was evident as I looked at Calum, a huge smile on his face. I nodded at him mouthing "you good?"

He nodded, his eyes clouding over for a split second before speaking into the microphone.

"So there's something I need to tell you guys. This past week, my father died." The whole arena quieted down, a few 'aw's here and there. "It broke my heart, and I ended up breaking the heart of someone I care about very very much." A chorus of boo's sounded and I laughed. I couldn't help it, it was amusing. We had planned on doing this when Bentley went down to get Heidi. This was Calum's way of saying "I'm not giving up on this."

"I know I know. I messed up," he said now. "So that's why we're going to do a cover of Crash by You Me at Six. This is dedicated to you." He stepped away from the mic, signaling for us to start. We decided that Cal was going to do the vocals for this. It was his apology, it was his girl.

Wait, where you say you've been?

Who you been with?

Where you say you're goin'?

Who you goin' with?

Keep me on my toes,

Keep me in the know.

Wait, keep me in your skin,

Keep me in your chest.

I'll wait for it to start,

I'll wait for it to end.

I watched Cal sing into the microphone, his eyes clouding over as a brown eyed beauty filled his thoughts.

But when I looked at her,

I thought of only you.

If only there was proof I could use to show it's true.

There was no denying the truth in that verse. I could see tears starting to fall down his face and I walked over beside him, just letting him know I was there with him. Mike stood on the other side and we watched as our best friend laid his bare naked heart out there for the world to see.

Just crash, fall down,

I'll wrap my arms around you now.

Just crash, it's our time now,

To make this work second time around.

We grew up,

We worked and changed our ways.

Just like wildfire,

Been burning now for days.

Tearing down those walls,

Nothing's in our way.

I said, nothing's in our way.

His playing got more intense, his voice threatening to give out on him as tears streamed down his face. There was no way of knowing for sure if Heidi would see this, no way of knowing that she would forgive him, but it was worth a shot. I was actually the one who thought of this; Calum didn't even want to preform tonight. When I suggested it, his whole demeanor changed. He became this broken, pathetic kid, to a hopeful, albeit still broken, person. It all boiled down to picking a song. When Bent came back up, she informed us of Heidi's whereabouts, telling us that she would room with Ash and Mike, we told her about our plan. She seemed skeptical at first, but she came around when she looked long and hard at Calum.

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