Chapter 13

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*Calum's P.O.V*

"Are you sure we shouldn't stay back, just to make sure he's ok?" Heidi asked me, concern laced through her voice. We had left the hotel right after Bentley left the room to check on Luke. I knew what was wrong, and I just needed to get out of there before I saw Luke's red eyes and cried myself.

"No, we're fine." I told Heidi, stopping at the curb.

"Where are we going?"

"I dunno."

She got quiet and looked both ways before running across the street, leaving me behind. I caught up to her, my steps falling in time with hers. We walked in silence, content with the company and noise of the city.

My arm brushed her, and I nudged her a little, keeping a straight face and looking forward. I felt her body weight push into me, causing me to scatter sideways a little. I smiled and returned the gesture, causing an all out battle.

I had just pushed her again, when I heard my name being called.

I turned around to see a short Hispanic girl eyeing Heidi and I.

"Hello." I greeted her.

"Hey Cal! Would it be an inconvenience if I could get a picture?" she asked, her voice full of confidence.

I looked down at Heidi, who gave me a reassuring smile and pushed me towards the girl.

"What's you're name?" Heidi asked her.


"Vanessa, do you want me to take the picture?"

Vanessa nodded and handed Heidi her phone.

"Ok, I got two." Heidi said after a minute, handing her back the phone.

"Thanks..." Vanessa looked at her questioningly.


"Wait. As in notHeidiKlum?" Vanessa's eyes grew large.

"Um yeah?"

"OHMYGOD ITS REALLY YOU IM IN LOVE WITH YOU GUYS I'VE SHIPPED CEIDI SO HARD YOU HAVE NO IDEA!" Vanessa screeched, jumping up and down. Heidi looked really amused, whereas I'm sure I looked a little scared.

"Aw that's cute, but we aren't dating." Heidi told her.

"Well. You need to." Vanessa pulled Heidi into an awkward hug, then did the same to me.

"It was nice meeting you!" she shouted. Heidi and I waved at her and turned to walk in the other direction.

"You handled that really well." I told her.

"It's because I understand her."

"You do?"

"Yeah. Sitting behind a computer screen pining over guys you'll probably never meet and having a hardcore ship for them and then you meet them and their ship? Oh lord, watch out." She explained, a trace of laughter filling her voice.

"Who did you pine over?"

"Harry Styles."

"Anyone else?"

"Dylan O'Brien. Sean O'Donnell."

"Anyone from 5SOS?"



"It's confidential." She teased nudging me once more.

"I bet it was Ashton." I huffed, nudging her back.

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