Chapter 35

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Songs for this chapter:

Some Days- The Maine

I Don't Love You- My Chemical Romance

Trust- Chasing Grace


Slow motion. That's all everything's been in since I stepped on that plane. Since Ashton gave me that letter. Since I decided to open it.

"I should've given this to you along time ago." He told me.

No, you should've burned it Ashton, thrown it in the ocean and never spoke of it again.


Heidi. She's still with me. "Yeah?"

"What did the letter say?" I turned to look at her, almost robotic.

"I-I don't know."

"What? Didn't you read it?"

"The necklace was enough." I muttered.

She reached over and pulled the envelope from my grasp.


"Bentley, you need to read this."


"Because what if it's an apology?"

"Heidi, you don't understand. If it was an apology, this necklace wouldn't have been in there."

"What even is that necklace?"

I shook my head and looked down at the small object in my hand. It was a simple design really, a small diamond held by a silver chain. But it's the meaning behind it, the intentions, that made it so much more.

"Bentley, don't bottle things in. When we get to my house, you're telling me. I'm giving you the car ride to get your thoughts together." I nodded, following her out to the car.

It's not that I don't want to tell her, it's that I don't know how. Damien was the only person that I'd ever told and I didn't even know how to then.

I squeezed my hand tighter around the necklace, feeling it imprint itself onto my skin.

I hate him. I despise this man. Why did he have to come back into my life when everything seemed to be going perfectly? Why did he feel the need to ruin my life? I didn't ruin his life, it was my decision, my life that would've been changed forever.



"Can I have the letter?" She set it in my lap, not taking her eyes off the road. I sucked in a breath and took out the paper that was folded inside.

With shaking hands, I began reading.


What a pleasure it was seeing you again. Although, I think you can do better than that boy toy you had on your arm. You looked beautiful, radiant even. Do you remember that night we went to the lake and I picked that flower for you? Seeing you reminded me of that night for some reason. I miss you. Please don't be in love with someone else. I totally just quoted a Taylor Swift song, what's wrong with me?

I know what I did to you was wrong. I can't explain to you how sorry I am. But you made me mad. So very mad, I can't even explain... I guess I did though, with everything I did to you. When I was away, I started having nightmares where I kept hitting you and hitting you but I couldn't stop, no matter how hard I tried. Seeing the light just fade out of your eyes killed me, especially knowing that I was the reason behind it. I am so sorry for everything I've ever done and everything you've ever thought I've done. I love you Bentley Ravens.

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