Chapter 39

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The time in this chapter takes place the same time last chapter did. It's the same time, day and everything. You'll understand when you read on :-)


I don't remember a lot from that day. I remember seeing Heidi's face turn from scarily relieved to panicked in the blink of an eye. I remember a terrible sharp feeling in my side, Damien grinning at me like he was a first grader that just discovered candy. I remember the hospital lights overhead, doctors and nurses moving me and blood red rags moving from my body. The last thing I remember, the one thing I'm sure was a hallucination, was Luke, holding my hand through it all.

"I'm not going anywhere." I heard faintly. I opened my eyes and looked in front of me, seeing Luke with a mouth full of food, staring at me.

"Luke?" I asked, my throat raspy. God, when was the last time I had something to drink?

"Bentley.." My mom gasped from beside me, hugging me, careful of all of the wires hooked up to me. "I thought I'd never hear your beautiful voice again." She cried into my hair.

"Well you can't get rid of me that easily." I whispered, my gaze not wavering from Luke's.

"I'm going to go get the doctor." Luke said, standing up quickly.

"Wai-" I started, but he was already out the door. What the hell?

"Benny, honey, do you have any questions?" My mom asked, her voice high pitched.

"How long was I asleep?" I looked at her finally, actually looked. She looked tired, her makeup not done to its usual perfection, dark bags under her eyes. Nevertheless, she still looked as beautiful as ever.

She swallowed, tears forming in her eyes. "A little over a week."

I nodded, suddenly realizing how scary it must've been for her, sitting by my side all this time, not knowing when, or if, I would ever wake up.

"When did Luke get here?" I asked, glancing towards the door.

"He's been here a while. As soon as he got the chance, he got on a plane and flew all the way here to be with you. He got here the same day we did." She squeezed my hand, smiling down at me. "Heidi was here by your side for the longest time, sweet child. Megan and Seth were here too, but last night everyone got so tired, they all left to get some sleep. Daddy and I went to a hotel, and Luke refused to leave your side."


"Steph, those other boys, um Ashton, Michael, and Colin?"


"Right. Calum."

They're all here. They're all here for me. I felt tears stinging my eyes at the overwhelming feeling of love that washed over me. I had people who cared about me and loved me, who would fly across the country to see me, and I would never have known how much they all actually cared.

I opened my mouth to say something else, when the door opened and a tall elderly man in blue scrubs walked in.

"Why if it isn't our resident sleeping beauty." He chuckled, pulling out a pen and scribbling something down on his clipboard. "Get a good sleep?"

"Only the best." I remarked, looking at the door for Luke, who wasn't there.

"Great, well I'm going to ask some questions and you just answer truthfully alright?"

I nodded, answering all of the mandatory questions he threw my way. Most of them about how I was feeling, a few about what I remembered, and so on.

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