Chapter 14

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"Rise and shine lazy bum, I have big plans for us today!" Aunt Megan chirped, shaking me endlessly.

I cracked my eyes open and groaned, rolling over, pulling the blankets over my head. Already I could tell that whatever my aunt had planned wasn't going to be enjoyable to me, considering she had woken me up at seven.

"Up up up!" she clapped on each word, making my head throb. I felt fingers grip the edge of my blanket and tug, leaving me exposed.

I curled up like a fetus and put the pillow over my head. "Go away." I whined.

"No. You weren't here at all yesterday, you're going out later, so I plan on spending at least an hour with you." I felt her lean over me and pull the pillow off, placing it with the blanket on the ground. I looked over my shoulder and glared at her before crawling out of the bed. A quick glance in the mirror made me cringe and I followed her out of my room.

The smell of pancakes and eggs filled my nostrils and my stomach rumbled loudly. I crossed my arms over my middle and sat down at the bar surrounding the kitchen.

"Smells delicious." I heard Seth say behind me. He had already showered and was dressed in khaki shorts and a white v-neck.

"Do you always wake up this early?" I ask incredulously.

He nodded, his mouth full of orange juice.

"But it's summer. And summer is made for sleep."

"Not if you have plans." He sat in the stool beside me and accepted the plate his mom offered.

I took mine and lathered everything in syrup. "What plans do you have today?"

"I'm going to hang out with Maggie." I racked my brain trying to remember Maggie when his phone rang, her face coming up on the screen.

I took a bite of my pancakes, savoring the sweetness. "What're we doing?" I asked Megan, my mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." She scolded. "We are going shopping."

Seriously? She woke me up at seven in the morning to take me shopping? I bit back my remarks, instead choosing to stuff my face.

"Don't act like that." She scolded me again.

"Like what?"

"You're just like you're father. When you don't want to do something, you get sullen and invest yourself in whatever's right in front of you."

"Sorry, shopping just isn't my cup of tea." I informed her, taking a gulp of my orange juice.

"I wasn't talking about clothes shopping. There's a really cool record store close to where Maggie works, and I was planning on taking you there." I stared at her warily, not answering.

"Also, a really large bookstore that I happen to own. But if you don't want to go... I guess I can get John to sign a copy for you."

"John?" If she's talking about who I think she's talking about...

"John Green? I heard you liked him."

I jumped out of my chair and ran to her, hugging her tightly.

"Yes yes, he's my favorite! I'll be ready in thirty minutes!" I left my plate on the counter and ran upstairs, attempting to undress before I reached my room. I heard Seth laughing as I slammed the door and ran to the bathroom, turning on the shower.

I got my iPod and turned it on, making sure the volume was turned up all the way, before getting in the shower. While I was washing my hair, it occurred to me that I never said I had plans later.

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