Chapter 15

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I stepped out of the cab and stared at Bentley's house. I had texted her half an hour ago saying to be ready, and haven't heard from her since. I was really nervous for today because I had decided that I would take her out on a real deal date.

I slowly made my way up the steps and hesitantly knocked on the door, putting my hands in my pockets nervously. I heard footsteps behind the door before it opened slightly, revealing half of Bentley.

"Hi." I smiled when she opened the door all the way, relief flooding her features.

"Hey." She pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tightly, her vanilla and coconut smell filling my senses. Her nose ring was in, but none of her earrings were. She was wearing dark skinny jeans and a white v-neck. Her hair was braided over her shoulder and her feet were hidden in black converse. When she pulled back, her grey eyes met mine, and she smiled sweetly.

"What're we doing today?" she made her way to one of the leather couches and plopped herself down.

"Well.." I began, sitting beside her. "I was hoping that maybe you might wanna..." I trailed off, feeling myself blush.

"Spit it out Hemmings." She demanded, turning her body towards me, sitting Indian style.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

Her eyes widened slightly, her mouth agape. "Like, a date date? Candlelit dinner, movies, the whole nine yards?"

"The whole nine yards." I repeated her words. "But, I had something different planned for our date."

"Do I need to change?" she looked down at her outfit cautiously.

"No, you look good." I stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet. She looped her fingers through mine, and I guided us to the door. The cab I had exited was still there, and I opened the back door for her, sliding in next to her. I leaned forward and whispered the place to the driver before he nodded and drove off.

I sat back and admired her as she watched the scenery passing by. She caught me looking at her and pushed my shoulder, blushing slightly.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." I told her. She crossed her arms and stared at me, in a failing attempt to get it out of me.

When she got nowhere with me, she sighed and leaned back against the seat again. "Fine." She muttered. "Guess who I met today?" she perked up immediately.

"John Green!"

"The author?"

"No, the actor." She sarcastically remarked. "Yes the author."

"I thought your favorite book was by that Harrington lady?" she looked at me questioningly.

"You remember that?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I remember a lot of things you told me."

"What's my favorite color?"


"Who's my favorite sibling?"

"You have none."

She smirked. "What's my favorite tattoo?"

"You never said. But if I had to guess?" I pulled her hand close to me and tapped her wrist. "This one."

She nodded and looked down at my fingers enclosed around her wrist.

"So you remember everything that I told you from the airport?"


"But yet, I know practically nothing." She looked at me accusingly.

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