Chapter 21

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Song for the chapter:

Heart of Blue by Shannon Saunders

(The song that Bentley sings is called Wonder by Lauren Aquilina)

I woke to the sound of loud buzzing. I slowly opened my eyes, squinting at the sunlight coming through the window. I searched my bed, looking for the source of the annoying noise.

"Are you kidding me." I mumbled in frustration, not finding my phone. I got up and ripped the blankets from the bed, hearing a thud on the cold floor. I searched through the blankets, finally managing to pull out my phone.

I clicked the screen on and saw that I had three missed calls from my mother. I dialed her number quickly, sleep still heavy on my mind.

"Bentley Ruth Ravens, why on earth have you not been answering your phone?" my mom said upon answering the phone.

"I was sleeping." I mumbled.

"Oh. Well, how are things?"


"Is Megan taking care of you?"


"How's Seth?"


"Bentley I have not seen you in two weeks, the least you can do is say more than one word at a time."

"Sorry mom. Just tired." I groaned, leaning my head against my bed.

"Didn't you get any sleep?"

I had actually been Skyping Luke until late last night, but I don't think she needed to know that.

"Seth and I went to the movies and came home late." I lied.

"Oh. That sounds like fun."


"Well I guess I'll let you get some more sleep. Love you sweetie."

"I love you too mom." I said and hung up. I looked around my room, already able to tell that I won't be able to fall asleep again any time soon. I groaned and climbed back into bed, pulling out my writing journal from the bedside table.

"What's that?" Luke had asked me last night when I set on my lap.

"My writings."

"Like songs?"


"Do you have anything about me in there?" He winked into the camera, causing me to laugh.

"I might." I teased.

"Will you be sharing?" I shook my head, laughing at the pouty face he pulled.

Now, I turned to the bookmarked page full of scribbled words and ideas. Every lyric on that page was about Luke. I read over it and decided that I needed to put some music to it. Just as I thought that though, a knock sounded from my door.

"Come in." I hollered, hiding my journal quickly.

The door opened and Seth poked his head through.

"Good you're up. Maggie is throwing a party tonight and she wanted to know if you wanted to come."

"Can I bring someone?"


"What time?"

"We're gonna leave at eight."

"Okay." I nodded, pulling out my phone in dismissal. I heard my door shut and I immediately called Heidi.

"Hello?" she answered groggily.

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