Chapter 22

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Songs for this chapter-

Face Down- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus (acoustic)

Lying to the Mirror- Gabrielle Aplin

Breakdown ft Benji Madden- Tonight Alive

Dreams-Bastille ft Gabrielle Aplin

"Miss me?" Damien's deep voice growled, his body stepping closer.

I could barely register what was currently happening. I blinked rapidly, trying to convince myself that the image standing before me was just a nightmare, but my nightmare was a reality.

I gulped, feeling my body involuntarily shiver as he stepped even closer.

"W-what do you want Damien?" I stuttered, pressing my body closer to the wall. He was standing within arms reach now, trapping me.

"Only you Cupcake. I've missed you." He said lifting a hand to my bare arm. His fingers traced down to my wrist, sending a chill down my spine.

"Don't touch me." I hissed, jerking my hand away. My hate for this man was growing stronger each second he stood before me, but I couldn't stop trembling.

"Oh come on, don't be like that Cupcake." He grabbed my forearm and pulled me to him, his face inches away from mine. "Don't want to make this any harder than it has to be." He pushed me to the bed, knocking me on top of it.

"Damien please." I begged. "What do you want with me?"

"Two years. Two fucking years." He laughed viscously. "I've been in prison! All because you're a little slut who can't take what she deserves." He pushed my shoulders, making me fall harshly on the pillows, taking my breath away. "Well now, you're gonna take it."

Damien bent down and sucked harshly on my neck. I screamed at the top of my lungs, praying someone would hear. He sat up, covering my mouth once again.

"Scream again bitch. I dare you." He threatened. I looked at him, my vision quickly blurring as tears formed in my eyes. "Now, let's get started shall we?"

I stared at the popcorn ceiling, choking back tears, while Damien undressed me.

"Jesus Christ." He said roughly. "Two years has been good to you cupcake."

I held back the vile things I wanted to say, instead fisting the sheets in my hands while his fingers traced my entire body. I felt like throwing up, every muscle tense just lying in wait for his next move.

"Please," I whispered. "Please don't do this Damien." I pleaded. He looked at me with his dark, menacing eyes.

"You almost have me feeling sorry for you." He smiled. "Almost." He shifted his body, placing his knees on either side of my legs. "But I've missed this way to much." And without warning, he was hurting me.

I screamed in pain, crying out, trying to push him off of me, but nothing was working. He placed his arm on my throat, pressing down, choking me. My vision blurred, and I felt as though a brick was sitting on my lungs. I had no idea how long he was on top of me, when I faintly heard the door open.

"What the fuck?" I heard Heidi say. "Get off of her!" she screamed.

I was going in and out of darkness, but I could make out a short figure knocking Damien off of me. I barely heard him cursing her, but I heard a pop and some groaning.

"You'll pay for that bitch." I heard a guys voice say.

"The cops are on their way so I suggest you get the fuck away from me before you get locked up again Damien." I knew that was Heidi. How the hell does she know Damien?

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