Chapter 33

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Songs for this chapter:

You Always Make Me Smile- Kyle Andrews

Reflections- MisterWives

First Dance- Never Shout Never

Falling In Love- US (the song that is mentioned)

Into the Wild- Lewis Watson

"ASHTON IRWIN YOU'RE DEAD!" I screamed, chasing Ashton across the beach, hardly keeping up with him. His loud laughter teased me, only fueling my desire to catch him and throw sand in his face.

"Bent!" I heard Luke holler from behind me. "Bent come back!"

I turned around, running backwards, and looked at Luke and Michael standing back laughing their heads off. I raised my arms up and flipped them off before turning around and running after Ashton.

"Ashton when I catch you, you're going to wish I hadn't!" I hollered after him. I could feel myself slowing down, my body not built for the bundle of energy that was Ashton. "Ow ow ow!" I exclaimed, stopping my running and bending down to clutch my left foot.

"Bent?" Luke called to me, but I turned around and waved him off. He nodded slowly, a confused look flashing across his face.

"Bentley? Are you okay?" Ashton ran towards me, his eyebrows drawn in worry.

"No I hurt my ankle, I think I twisted it or something." I winced when I tried to take a step.

"Here let me help." He reached down to help me up, and I grabbed his hand, pulling him down quickly. He fell forward, landing with an "oof". I jumped up and sprinted down the beach, back to Luke and Michael who were, once again, cracking up.

"Oh my god Bent, that was hilarious." Michael panted.

"He'll be spitting out sand for a week." Luke added, putting his arm over my shoulders. I looked back at Ashton who was walking slowly toward us, spitting sand out of his mouth.

"Yeah, well I'm going to be washing it out of every crevice of my body for the next three months." I grumbled, shaking my hair a bit, causing sand to fall on Luke's arms.

"Okay, I call a truce!" Ashton hollered when he was close enough to us.

"Are you gonna dump another bucket of sand on me?" I questioned.

"No. Scouts honor." He promised. I smiled and looked around at the almost empty beach.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." I said suddenly. Tonight was our last night here in Florida, the last night we saw the boys until the end of the summer.

"We'll miss you more." Mikey said beside me. I smiled and reached over, patting his arm.

"Yeah, having you two around has just added to our little family." Ashton added.

"I'm gonna miss you the most though." Luke whispered in my ear. I smiled and leaned closer into him.

"Stop being cute." Michael grumbled, throwing sand at us. "It's making me lonely."

"Aw, Mikey," I whined, pulling away from Luke and walking over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest. "You're gonna find a great girl and she's gonna want to dye her hair with you and cuddle and sleep and maybe even have some kind of talent and then on weekends we could go on double dates and take pictures in cute matching shirts and-"

"Bent, you're rambling." Luke laughed.

"Right. Sorry." I blushed, pulling away from Michael and stretching my arms above my head. "Hey, where's Heidi and Calum?"

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