Chapter 4

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I woke to the sound of Calum singing in the shower.

"BUT BABY IT AINT NO LIE SO BYE BYE BYE" he was not so much singing as he was shouting. He sounded like a dying whale. I lazily got out of bed and walked to the door of the bathroom. I raised my arms and started banging on the door.

"GAHHHHHH!" he screamed and I heard a loud thud and some groaning. I threw my head back in laughter.

"Fuck you Hemmings!" He shouted at me. I shook my head and crawled back into the bed. Just as I had shut my eyes to drift into sleep, someone decided to start banging on our door. I got up and put a shirt over my head.

"Hemmo open up." I heard Ashton call to me.

"Coming." I said opening the door. Ashton stood on the other side with a large grin on his face.

"I found her." He whisper shouted at me.


"You know, the girl. From the videos. I found her." He walked inside, parking his butt on my bed. I took in a sharp breath, closing the door and following him.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Her name's Bentley. She's from Tennessee, and she's seventeen." I shook my head, still not believing there was a name to the face I had been ogling at for the past four days.

"How did you find her?" I asked him finally.

"Well, the other night after sound check, I was on YouTube and I decided to check her out again. When I went into her page, I saw she had a new video posted. Get this-it's one of our songs. Then at the end of the video she said she was going to post links to all of her social media and I did a little bit of stalking and found that out for you. You're welcome." He smirked at the look on my face. Why didn't I think to check her YouTube again? I had seen all of the videos and decided to just stick to looking at her photography since she updated that more often. She did one of our songs? I had to hear this for myself.

I walked over to my phone clicking it on. It came to life, my screen full if notifications. I ignored them all and opened up the YouTube app. I typed in the familiar username and clicked on the first video. It was our song, one of my favorites. Her soft voice sang out with a slight rasp to it. She looked tired, but she still looked amazing. Her hair was tied in a knot on the top of her head, a black sweatshirt covered her arms. Her legs were crossed on the computer chair and she had a huge grin on her face. Then she started talking.

"I'm going to do something a bit different." She had said. Her voice had a slight southern accent, her words drawn out a little more, but she didn't sound like a hick. She let out a giggle that sounded adorable, a blush tinging her cheeks as she stopped the video. I went to where her links were and clicked on her Instagram. It wasn't locked, so I could freely scroll through them. There were a lot more selfies on this than on her blog, but I wasn't complaining. I clicked on her most recent picture. It was of her and her 'cousin'. Bentley was pouting and the blonde girl had her cheek pressed to Bentley's, squishing them together. It was awfully adorable.

The caption underneath said "I'm going to miss my best friend this summer!" I knew that girl was lying, but I didn't mind.

My thoughts were interrupted as Calum pounced on my stomach, catching me off guard. I gasped for air, all of his weight crushing my lungs.

"Stop being a stalker for five minutes and take a shower. You smell." He said, pulling my phone out of my hands.

EscapeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora