Chapter 10

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*A/N: this chapter is going to be switching in between flash backs and current time*

"It started when I was fifteen. I went home one day, and there was this guy sitting on my porch. He was really nice and he explained to me that our parents were friends." I told Luke. I was sitting cross legged in front of him, my fingers messing with the frayed fabric on his shirt.

"We kind of hit it off. I thought he was just going to be a summer thing. I mean, he's older than me, he was going off to college, they were just stopping by for the summer. But he didn't see it that way. When I talked about him leaving.... he would freak out."


"What do you mean leave?" Damien's deep voice filled the small space of the car.

"Well you're going to college and I'm staying here an-" he hit his hands on the steering wheel.

"Goddammit! I knew it! you just don't want to be with me anymore." When he looked at me, fire was shining in his eyes.

"No, babe, that's not it at a-"

"Don't babe me." He interrupted. "You don't love me anymore."

"I do Damien!" I shifted my body, trying to lessen the burn I felt I was getting. "I love you so much but you're going to leave, there's no avoi-" I was cut off by his hand meeting my cheek. Tears instantly sprang to my eyes, but I fought them off. Clenching my jaw, I turned to look at him. His face was full of rage. "Don't you fucking dare talk about me leaving again." He threatened. I looked away from him, crossing my arms. He reached over and wrapped his hand around my jaw. "Acknowledge me when I talk to you bitch." His rings were hurting my jaw. I jerked away, reaching over to open the door. He leaned over me, slamming it shut, locking it.

"You aren't going anywhere cupcake." He put the car into drive and sped off to another small town fifteen minutes away. He pulled into a motel, climbing out locking me inside the car. I surveyed the area, taking in my surroundings. Had we been in a better neighborhood, I would've left, and I think he knew that. My heart was racing in my chest and my face hurt like never before.

I lowered the visor to take a look at the damage. There was a perfect handprint where he had slapped me and marks across my jaw from his rings. I jumped as the door opened and he crawled back inside.

"Baby, I'm sorry for hurting you. I was just mad and I didn't want to talk about it anymore but you just wouldn't shut up."

*end of flashback*

"And I ended up apologizing. Every time. He somehow managed to make it seem like it was my fault, like I should deserve the beatings." The look Luke was giving me nearly broke my heart. He looked like he just wanted to hold me, but I needed to get this out because if I didn't, and if there was any chance of us having a future, I would never tell him. "Then he had his way with me."

"You had sex with him?"

"It was about a week after he hit me the first time. He took me back to that motel, and told me I was beautiful and kept kissing me, but when things got to heavy and I pulled back, he punched me and told me that I needed to shut up and take it. He said that I needed to finish what I started, but the whole time I kept saying 'no it hurts stop.' It wasn't the first time we had ever had sex, but it was the first time I ever said no." I felt tears stinging my eyes, threatening to spill over, but I fought them back. I had to get through this. "And so he hurt me. I couldn't get out of it though. No one knew what was going on. Around everyone else, he was a completely different person. But when it was just us two.... It's like he would find anything to beat me over. Hell, I could've breathed wrong and he would've hit me."

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