Chapter 38

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"Luke." I faintly heard, feeling a hand shake my shoulder. I groaned, shrugging the hand off. "Luke, wake up."

I opened one of my eyes, peeking out at my surroundings. The first thing I saw was a monitor hooked up to Bentley, then I saw Bentley.

I looked up and saw Mrs.Ravens smiling down at me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep here." I apologized, standing up.

"It's no problem, I'm not kicking you out, just thought you might be hungry." She offered me a brown bag with grease spots on the bottom. The smell of hamburgers made my stomach growl, and I gratefully took the bag.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked, taking a French fry out of the bag.

"Mr.Ravens is at the hotel and your friends went to Heidi's house." I nodded, looking down at Bentley. The doctors had said her vital signs were improving, but she still wasn't waking up. My stubborn girl.

"I was hoping I'd get a chance to get to know you a little bit while it's the two of us."

I looked at Mrs.Ravens and smiled. "Sure."

I sat back down in my chair and she walked to the other side of Bentley's bed, sitting down and taking Bentley's hand.

"So," she began. "How did you two meet?"

"Um, Steph gave me her YouTube and blog and I looked her up and really liked her. Apparently she was a fan of my band as well, because she had already done a few covers of our songs." I smiled, thinking back to the times when she was just a face on the computer screen. "Then we just met randomly in the airport and were in the same place for a few days and we just sort of clicked."

Mrs.Ravens nodded. "Did she tell you about Damien?"

I gritted my teeth and nodded. "I know everything."

"Good." I saw tears build up in her eyes, but she blinked a few times to hold them back. "It's always been hard for me, after him, to let her go and grow up. I've always been scared she would meet another man just like him, and then this happened as soon as I let her go." A sob broke out of her and I got up, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She put her hands on my forearms and cried.

"It's okay, she's breathing, she's alive. She's just asleep for a little bit. You're not to blame, I promise. Damien is just a sick person that will be locked up for a long time. It was by a freak chance that they saw each other again, and I promise if I ever see him again, I will kill him with my bare hands." I heard a laugh come through the tears.

"You'll have to wait in line." Mrs.Ravens joked, pulling away from me. I walked back to my chair, unwrapping my food.

"You know, you're the only good thing that's come out of this." Mrs.Ravens commented.

"'S not true." I said, my mouth full of food. I chewed and swallowed, taking a breath. "There's my band mates, Ashton, Michael, and Calum. They would do anything for her. We canceled a few supports to come here, and that has always had to be a unanimous decision. And then there's Heidi. Heidi loves Bentley, they've become so close this summer, just look at how long she's stayed here with her." I paused, trying to find something else to add. "And, despite this whole mess, she's had an amazing summer. As much as I appreciate the compliment, I'm not the only good thing, just one out of five." I smiled, looking down at my Sleeping Beauty.

Mrs.Ravens sniffed. "I hope you stick around for a while." I somehow knew she didn't just mean here and now, she meant in Bentley's life.

"I'm in love with your daughter. I'm not going anywhere." I promised.


"Heidi, can I take a shower?" a sleepy Ashton mumbled from my doorway. We all decided to let Luke stay at the hospital while we came back to my house to get some sleep, which of course made for a crowded home. Calum was currently curled up in a ball next to me and Michael and Ashton slept on a pile of blankets and pillows on the floor in front of my bed. Steph ended up sleeping in Jack's room and Jack took the couch.

I sat up groggily, glancing at the clock. "Uh yeah, let me get you a towel." I crawled out of the bed, trying not to wake Cal or step on Michael, which was quite the challenge.

I went to the hall closet and pulled out a black towel, tossing it at Ash. He grunted his thanks and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Yawning, I walked back into my room, crawling into the bed with Cal. I looked at his sleeping face and smiled. His knees were pulled up close to his chest and his arms were splayed across his pillow. His mouth was slightly ajar, and I giggled at the small snores he let out.

I scooted closer to him, lifting one of his arms and tucking myself into his chest, his arm falling back down around my shoulders. He groaned and straightened out, pulling me closer to him. I breathed him in, taking comfort in the familiar smell.

"Morning." I heard him whisper.

"I didn't mean to wake you up." I lifted my head so I could see his face.

"It's okay." He kissed my nose, making me smile. "Did you sleep alright?"

I nodded, curling back into him. "Did you?"

"I got to sleep next to you, of course I did." I felt my cheeks redden and I was silently grateful that he couldn't see.

All of a sudden a terrible smell filled my nose, making me want to gag. I sat up and covered my nose.

"Calum!" I screeched, my voice nasally.

"That wasn't me!" He defended himself, pulling his shirt over his nose.

"Sorry," I heard a sleepy voice say from the floor. "Didn't mean to break up your cutesy moment, I just really had to do that."

"Ugh, Michael." I groaned, throwing my pillow down on his blue head.

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." He smiled up at me sleepily.

"Yeah well next time warn us." I threatened, laying back down.

"Where's Ash?" Michael mumbled, his voice muffled by his pillow.

"Shower." I felt my eyes growing heavy, sleep so close to coming.

"M'kay." I heard Michael mumble before I drifted back to sleep, curled up in Calum's arms.

* * * *

Ring. Ring. Ring.

The sound of my phone ringing loudly in my ear made me jump.

"Hello?" I answered, not looking at the number.

"Heidi?" Luke panted.

I sat up quickly. "Luke? What happened is everything okay?"

I looked beside me seeing that the boys had already woken up and were probably downstairs.

"Heidi." Luke said again, tears clear in his voice.

No no no, I thought, frantically getting out of the bed and running downstairs.

I stopped short, asking Luke to repeat what he just said. He said it again, quickly adding to hurry up and get there.

The look on my face must've told Calum that something was up.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"Luke." I whispered.

"What happened? Is she alright?" Steph asked quickly, her face scrunched in worry.

I nodded slowly, looking at each of them, my face breaking into a smile.

"She woke up."

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