Chapter 6

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Have you ever been in that state where you don't know if what is happening around you is a dream or real life? That is me right about now.

I literally had to keep pinching myself as Luke sat down next to me. He smelled fantastic, sort of like mint. I edged ever so slightly closer to him, but he didn't seem to mind. He looked down at me-Jesus Christ how tall can this kid be?- and smiled.

"Comfortable?" he whispered.

I nodded, feeling myself blush.

"Okay who wants to go first?" Ashton asked, addressing all of us. We had decided to waste our time playing a game of truth or dare. Techincally, the boys should've left already, but as Calum put it: "There's no way in hell we're leaving you here to fend for yourself with these freaks around you." So it was decided we would play a game and Michael chose this.

"I will." Calum scooted to the edge of his chair, examining us all like a lion going in for the kill. "Bentley. Truth or Dare?" Of course, I thought.

"I'm gonna go with truth."

"Lame." Michael muttered, smiling nonetheless.

"Okay. Um. Which boy has the best hair?"

"You're joking right? You can't make me decide that! Do you know how hard that is?" I put my face in my hands as I heard the guys laughing.

"Come on now guys, we all know it's me." Michael confidently said.

"Not in your wildest dreams, it's me." Ashton said, throwing a water bottle at him.

"See Bent? You have to choose." Luke said beside me.

Bent? "Yeah okay. I have to feel it first."

"Feel it?" Calum looked confused.

"Feel it. Because you guys all have amazing looking hair so I have to judge on who has the softest." I shrugged like it made perfect sense. I got up and walked to Ashton, running my fingers through his hair. He gave me a large dimpled grin as I pulled away and made my way to Michael.

"Don't mess it up." He whispered. I laughed and ran my fingers through the side.

"Hmm. Impressive, but so far Ashton is winning." I teased, going to Calum.

"Take it off." I told him, referring to his beanie.

"Now now, not in public." he smirked as he removed the beanie. I ran my hand over his head, then decided to mess it up just to get on his nerves.

"Gahh!" He squealed ducking his head. I laughed and walked back to my spot beside Luke.

"Your turn."

"My turn." He took off his beanie, swiping down his hair quickly. I reached my hand to the quiffed part and slowly ran my fingers through his hair. It was like touching feathers wrapped in velvet.

I cleared my throat, removing my hand.

"Luke wins." I declared. The rest of the boys protested as Luke blushed slightly putting his beanie back on.

"Okay Ashton. Truth or Dare?" I asked.

"Dare babe." He flashed his dimples cockily.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay." I suck butt at picking dares but I had to think of something good. "Go over to that bald guy pretending you're foreign and don't know English, and eat from his plate then take his drink." I am seriously the worst at this, why did I agree to play?

"That's your dare?" Ashton asked me with disbelief.

"Mhmm. Now go do it." I could feel myself blushing.

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