Chapter 34

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Waiting is hard. If I had known I would've been waiting for this bitch this long, I would've followed her there. I've never been a very patient man, but this is excruciating.

I pulled out my phone and contemplated texting her, give her a scare, before shoving it back in my pocket. I twitched my hands nervously, getting up and walking to the food court.

Why am I so nervous? I haven't done anything wrong. Yet.

I scanned the menu and decided that the greasy fast food it offered wasn't up to my standards. I pushed loose strands of hair away from my face and looked towards the escalator, hoping to see her pitiful face once again.

Scanning the crowds, my heart sped up. Not from fear, but adrenaline. There she was. Bentley.

She was standing next to that same short girl again, looking more pale than ever. It couldn't have been me, maybe her boy toy broke it off wit-

And then I saw it. Clutched tightly in her hand was a thick white envelope. It was torn open, and gripped in her other hand was the only thing that would've convinced me that she read it, that the curly blonde kid gave it to her.

I grinned, zoning in on the necklace. I waited a beat longer, willing her to look my way, before walking away.

She knows.

I'm back, and I'm here to stay.

*sorry no soundtrack for this.. I'm really not to happy with this, I just felt obligated to get something up considering it's been a while. It may be a while for the next update as well, I'm having a family crisis, and I'm not able to be writing all the time that I like. Thank you to those of you who have stuck through and read my stories at even the stupidest parts, I love you. Please vote and comment, let me know what you think, as per usual :)*

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