Chapter 20

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"So what do you want to do now?" Heidi asked me. We had just left the guys at the airport, leaving the two of us alone until they came back.

"I haven't a clue." I answered her, getting into the passenger seat of her car.

"Do you think it's going to be weird? Without the boys?" she asked me, buckling up.

"Between us?" she nodded, pulling out of the parking space and into the traffic. "No, I don't think so. I mean, it's going to be a lot quieter, but I don't think it'll be weird."

She nodded again, keeping her eyes on the road. I looked out my window, watching the passing traffic.

"I'm going to miss them." she stated, breaking the silence. I hummed my agreement while she turned up the radio.

I am going to miss them, more than I should really. I'll miss all the little things; Calum being stupid, trying to impress Heidi or make us laugh, Ashton constantly taking pictures and recording everything, Michael pouting over little things-like what we should eat, what games to play-and Luke. I'm especially going to miss Luke. I'm going to miss the smirk he gives me when I say something funny, his loud laughter, the dimples that show when he smiles, his blue eyes on mine, and the way his rough fingers feel when they're wrapped around mine. Yes, I'm going to miss them, especially him. Despite the fact that I've known them for a very short time, I feel like I've known them for forever.

"This may make me sound crazy," Heidi suddenly said. "But I feel like I've known you guys for my whole life."

I smiled. "I was just thinking that actually."



"Do you wanna go see a movie or something? I really don't want to go back home."

"sure. What movie?"

"I dunno." she shrugged, switching lanes. "Maybe we can go and see what's playing."

"Okay." We drove in silence for a minute before I spoke again. "Do you live in California?"

"No." she shook her head. "I live in Georgia, I'm visiting family for the summer."


"What about you?"

"I live in Tennessee, I'm visiting family too."

"Cool." I found myself at a loss for words with her. When we spent time together before, we had things to talk about, and now I felt like we were at a standstill. We were both experiencing the same thing, staying for the summer, and she seemed really amazing, but I just don't know how to keep a conversation going with people.

"I'm sorry if I'm so quiet, there's a lot on my mind." Heidi said, pushing back her hair.

"No problem." I reached up and turned the music up louder. Forget You played through the speakers, and soon Heidi and I were singing at the top of our lungs, off key, but living in the moment.


I put my headphones in and leaned my head against the airplane window. The plane had barely taken off, yet already I was in a mood. Michael sat beside me, munching loudly on nasty airplane food, making me cringe.

"Could you be any louder?" I snapped.

"Sorry geez." he mumbled, swallowing the food in his mouth. I rolled my eyes, leaning my head once more against the window.

"Perk up Lukey." I heard Ashton say behind me. I ignored him and turned up my music. Closing my eyes, I fingered the small object in my pocket, my mind wandering to Bentley.

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