Chapter 2

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"Thank you Las Vegas! You've been great!" I shouted into my microphone before following Michael off stage.

"That was sick!" Ashton laughed, wiping sweat off his brow.

"Yeah! Did you see that jump I did during Out of My Limit?" Calum excitedly said. Michael and Calum were having a sort of competition to see who could do more impressive tricks on stage to evoke more screams from the girls. Idiots.

"No, I was to busy jumping myself." Michael grinned, sitting down on the chair in our dressing room. I leaned on the counter next to him, pulling out my phone to get on twitter.

"Aw Lukey, don't be upset you because you can't do any cool tricks." Calum teased, pinching my cheeks.

"I'm not, I got a bra thrown at me." I smirked at him.

"Yeah, where is it now?" Ashton asked.

"I threw it back. It was rather large, and I didn't want the girl swinging all over the place." The boys laughed at my comment and started wondering off to cause a ruckus.

'Las Vegas you rocked!' I tweeted. Within a minute, my feed was already blowing up with 'FOLLOW ME's and 'LUKE I WANT TO MOTHER YOUR CHILDREN!' I love my fans, but sometimes they scare me.

I was scrolling through, following a few people here and there, but mostly replying to tweets, when Ashton came wandering back into the room.

"We should do something." He said, sitting beside me.

"Like?" I asked, not looking up from my phone.

"Go out. Walk around town. Party. Go to a casino." He smiled playfully.

"We can walk around town, sight see maybe, but casino is no bueno. We're to young to do anything anyway." I looked up at him and he was giving me a puppy dog face.

"No Ash."

"You ruin all the fun." He pouted.

"You guys can go if you want, I'm a little tired, I think I'll just go back to the hotel and watch a movie or something." I shrugged my shoulders, walking out of the room.

"Come on! You haven't done anything the past two weeks! What's your problem man?" He pulled on my shoulder getting me to face him.

"Nothing. Just tired."

"That's always your excuse. But whatever, you go be boring and we're gonna go have some fun." His voiced cracked on the last word, causing me to erupt in a fit of laughter and him to storm off angrily.

I shook my head as I headed out of the building, our hotel being only a mile away from the arena. Las Vegas was a pretty city, just not my cup of tea.

Ash was right. Lately I haven't been wanting to do anything. Just preform, meet a few fans, write music and sleep. It's like I have this empty feeling in my stomach and I know if I try to fill it, I'd be up to no good. So I do other things. Watch movies, surf the internet. I even started reading a book, which is very out of character for me. I just can't shake the feeling of... loneliness.

It's not that I'm not happy. Because I'm extremely happy. I just feel alone all the time lately. Maybe I should get a dog or something.

When I get back to the hotel, a few fans were waiting by the entrance. When they saw me approaching, they swarmed me. I took some pictures, signed some autographs, just going through the motions. When I got to the last girl, she smiled at me and handed me a piece of paper.

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