Chapter Six | Bathroom floors

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Sarah Calderon

                      I left Briar's house after that. It seemed that he lost all interest once everything was said and done. I'd like to admit that I feel bad and upset and used but, I brought it on myself. I knew what was going to happen. I knew all he wanted was s!x . And I knew walking out of that front door feeling used and my clothes suddenly feeling tighter, that I would no longer be bothered by him again. That from now on, it was just going to be me all by myself again.


That is... Until I'm sitting here on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet puking my brains out about a month later.

You know, I'm barfing up all my breakfast yet all I can think about is how I don't have a friend here to hold my hair back. What a dumb as$. Maybe one day when I'm in college, I'll have a friend. Maybe I can stop wearing these glasses and brown contacts. Maybe even comb my hair and curl it. I just wish that, I could have a normal life. Why can't I just have a normal life!


About a week later of puking every time I ate and having some major aches in my back, I stay laying on my bathroom floor. I was in front of the sink staring but as I'm looking at the stick in my hand and watching any chance of a "normal life" flash before my eyes.

Two lines.

Two lines told me what my life had in store.

Two lines told me that I really am fu€ked up.

Two lines... They said a lot.

But mostly, they screamed out to me...

"Sarah's little secret won't be a secret for long"




I'm trying to update this book more and finally finish it! Let me know what y'all think!

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