Chapter Nine | Freckles?

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Sarah Calderon

        Day after day, Briar would come get me and swing me over his ape man shoulders to take me to lunch. I guess the library was officially out of the question.

Today, however, i was done with the shoulder thing. My hand self obviously fell to my stomach. Who knows what's happening to that little ummm person? What if this is really hurting him? I don't know. I don't know a thing about babies, okay!

Anyways, I'm casually packing my things from physics when my classroom door slammed open revealing a very sexy ape man known as Briar. He walking up to me like a lion does his prey but this time I backed up while pointing a finger up. "No. No more Briar, don't you dare put me on that shoulder again." No stutters! Yes! Go me.

However my happiness was whiped away when freaking Briar Matthews...

You'll never guess

Picks me up over his shoulder anyways! Ugh I hate him! "Briar I'm serious put me down." Something in my voice must have made him stop for awhile. We were now in the hallway and briar had my backpack hanging from his other hand. I swear this boy is so immature. I looked up to his face to see his usual playful glint gone and replaced with worry.

His tone shocked me as he said, "Did I hurt you?" His body shrugged in defeat and he looked as though he was worried. Did he know?

"No. No. It's just I haven't been feeling-" sh!t. My hand came up to my mouth and my face must've shown horror. I ran to the bathroom beside us quickly and opened a stall to throw up all my breakfast. No... I needed that. I forgot to pack a lunch today.

To my utter surprise, Briar flew in behind me and held up my messy blonde hair above my head. For some reason, even though I was throwing my stomach up, I smiled. A small piece of me felt happy. Even though he had no clue why I was throwing up.

I bent back leaning against the stall door. He released my hair and got a wet paper towel to while my mouth off with. "Thanks" I whispered. I wasn't ready to answer his questions. I was terrified what he would think. What he would do. I was just starting to fit in. To get accepted. The whole lunch table except Trisha and her girls have started to accept me and we've even gone out a few times to bowl and watch movies.

I wasn't ready to go back to being alone. I liked having people around me. I liked having Briar around me.

He looked down at me in concern but I just smiled back. I stood up and walked to the sink to rinse my mouth out and white my face. This was disgusting.

I turned around to face a frowning Briar. I raised my eyebrow in question.

"I didn't know you had freckles?"




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