Chapter Twenty-One | Dammit Kate

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Sarah Calderon

The day's dragged on and my back had that slump in it. I felt ragged and used. My "friends" would soon hate me and I had no clue how to tell them, admit my defeat. It's been years but I really missed my name. I missed my eyes. I missed myself. I was terrified of what would happen tomorrow. Maybe if I just didn't go?

"Kate!" My name called had me stoping in the middle of the hallways, books pressed against my chest. I looked over my shoulder to see Briar rushing up to me. I had been more closed off these past few days, trying to let go of them will be impossible but one step at a time before they stop talking to me altogether.

Briar came up beside me, "where you headed to?" My voice became silent and I shrugged.

"Just back home." I answered him nonchalantly.

His arm wrapped around my shoulders and he led us out the front door towards his jeep. "Good, you'll be coming home with me." His voice sounded relaxed like this was a usual thing for us. It wasn't.

I decided to stay quiet and let him do what he wants. This will probably be the last time he will want to spend time with me. Let me just live this small life I made up a little while longer.

He opened his jeep door then leaned down and picked me up putting me in the jeep like a fragile doll. Okay maybe I have some troubles jumping up in the lifted black jeep but it doesn't mean he has to embarrass me in front of the school. "You're very cute when you blush." He winks the kisses my cheek making me even more red while he slams my door softly.

The drive to his house was a gentle silence. His hand reached smoothly to my own and intertwined our fingers. It felt nice, his hand in mine. Like we were meant to be together. His giant hand engulfing my small petite one yet it looked so natural for us.

We rolled up the long driveway that I was already familiar with thanks to that one night, how could I forget. Briar opened my door for me and led us up to his bedroom still holding my hand. Once he closed the door he sat me down on the bed and went to his dresser drawer. I noticed he pulled out something and came back to stand in front of me.

"Kate. I- I'm not sure I can be your friend anymore." He stutters quietly looking down at me. His hands cup my cheeks but I stand up angrily swiping them off me.

My voice came out hard when I screamed, "then why the hell am I here Briar!" I shook my head about to walk back through the door, "you know, I knew better then to come here and tru-" my rant was cut off when briar grabbed my arm and twirled me back around in front of him and planted a strong kiss on my lips cupping the back of my head to keep me from moving away but how could I when his lips make me melt.

Suddenly we were filling making out as we walked slowly back to the bed. My knees hit the edge and we both fell over the bed with him on top of me still taking my breathe away. As if realization hit him he lifted off of me sudden and shook out his thoughts.

"Dammit Kate, listen to me." Briar sternly spoke, looking me dead in the eyes. He took off my fake glasses and grabbed my cheeks to stare at me and have my full attention. "That day in the hospital, when you told me to give you a reason to stay-"

"Briar plea-"

"No Kate, listen." Briar's face became even more serious if it were possible and I'm sure he was annoyed with me interrupting him. "I wasn't ready then. I didn't know what I was thinking but now I do." He pulled his hands off my cheeks and grabbed a gold chain bracelet from his pocket and placed it around my wrist. I looked down at it to see engraved on it was 'Kate <3 Briar' and my gears fell down angrily with myself.

"I love you Kate."



Love me:)

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