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Sarah Calderon

I woke up the next morning dazed but refreshed feeling. I felt nice. However when my hand reached out a strange feeling overcame my body to realize I was in bed alone. Okay don't panic, this happens all the time in movies or books. He's going to walk in any minute with breakfast made specifically for me. Right?


Wrong. Way wrong. Not only was he not in my apartment but there was no note telling he was gone either. Another bad thing is I'm missing my first lecture and now I'm rushing to throw on pants. Gosh why can't I just have my life together.

I had been sitting in my class for a while now when in walked in the Devil himself. "Ah class, here is Mr. Matthews with Matthew Enterprises to give you all a few pointers on a better future."

So I sat there and stared the Devil in the eyes. He stared back of course keeping up his mocked up professional face. So badly I wanted to throw a frying pan in his face and Bang him against the wall at the same time. Why does he frustrate me to no end.

I hate him.

I hate him.

Dammit I fucking... Don't hate him.

I looked away and put my chin in my hand. His mumbling in the background as my mind replayed the memories I e spent with him. He's not even that great. I mean he's annoying, childish, loud, obnoxious, inconsiderate, a total playboy, and ugh a freaking ass.

It took me awhile to realize the lecture hall went quiet. I turned to the front of the room to see everyone looking in my direction, including Briar. What the hel-.

"Sarah." Briar's voice was so loud in this place yet so clear. His footsteps made his way up the stairs and I know red was flushing up my neck and cheek. This is embarrassing.

"I know you woke up this morning the same way you did that morning. I know you don't understand and are upset and I know your sitting here trying to zone me out because you are upset. But I left this morning for a reason."

His feet stopped on the step that was even with my desk. I stood up feeling overly exposed in front of my classmate and professor, how embarrassing. Does he have to admit my life story to these people.

Then, Briar came up to me but immediately fell to one knee and I gasped in surprise along with our bystanders.

"I left early this morning to go get this ring, I bought it on a trip in Paris years back with you in mind. I may not have known that I would use it but just to have it made the days go by faster. I wanted to go back to your house but you were gone and then I remembered my lecture. But Sarah. I can't wait anymore. I love you with everything I've got. Marry me."

And for some reason. I forgave him. I forgave everything that anyone had done to me in that moment. My happiness was ripped away from me many times but holding on to those memories would do me no justice.

I love him.

And then my lips met his while I whispered "yes" in between kisses.

I love him.


Third Person POV

Briar and Sarah were happy. They made things work and got married soon after. Briar's parents were in love with Sarah while Sarah never spoke to her father again. They had the wedding a year after with Abbey and Claire as her bridesmaids and Julian and Blaine as the groomsmen.

Briar cut off all contact with Trey and Trisha after learning the truth about them. However, Sarah did find it in herself to forgive Trisha even though Trisha hasn't forgiven Sarah.

Sarah finished college at NYU where everyone knew of her relationship with the most wanted male in New York. Times were tough but nothing Sarah couldn't handle.

Not only that but Briar got them their own house a bit outside the city for them to be happy in. Sarah and Briar Matthews hit headlines on a weekly basis. Always talk about something. Sarah hated the attention but was thriving well in their more private home.

Soon, she'll be pregnant.

The end!




Yeah... Ok

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