Chapter Twenty-Nine | The Cafe

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Briar Matthews

     After work, I decided it was time I go to the usual cafe for my afternoon snack before the club tonight.

The door chimed when I stepped inside. The place smelt of baked goods and fresh bread. It was a wonderful aroma. My usual booth sat empty in the corner and I made my way to it.

"Ah! Mr. Matthews, so nice of you to come by!" My usual waiter popes out from the kitchen. He was fiddling with his black apron telling me that he must've just gotten here.

I nodded in response, "Danny, I would like the usual." I smirked at his form as he seemed... Frantic. His hair was a mess and his clothes looked slept in. He almost lost his grip on the pen and he seemed to be uneasy with my notice of his attire.

He went to put the order in when he came back and slid in my booth to join me. This was a usual thing for us when the cafe is empty. However, my smile just couldn't leave my face.

"So, Danny, it seems you have been keeping something from me?" My voice accused him, I could smell the sèx reading off of him. "Who is it?"

He huffed out in exhaustion and leaned back. "Gosh, Briar, I've been doing it with her the past year but lately..."

My eyebrows rose up in surprise, "You haven't mentioned it before? You've been doing it with one girl a whole year?" I asked to be sure.

"It started out as fûck buddies.."

I already knew, "but she wants more." I finished for him but surprisingly he shook his head.

"No." He answers in frustration, "She's so fûcking abundant on not doing certain things and not getting attached, I can't even pin her against the wall. It's just straight sèx."

I nod, "isn't that a good thing?"

He shook his head, obviously I wasn't understanding.

"I want more." He confessed and sunk down. "She's so... I don't even know how to explain. Her body is like nothing I've ever seen before and her personality always makes me laugh. She's so insecure and nice yet it's like taming an Alpha in bed."

My eyes widened a bit larger at his outburst. This boy is something else.

"I'm in love with someone I shouldn't be in love with."

I understood a bit from his feelings. It was hard for me to think about but him openly admitting this was like a bucket of iced water being thrown over me.

"Sometimes, things don't work out how you want them to." My answer was from experience yet I couldn't reel in my feelings. I felt like an open book at the moment and decided to let him continue his useless rant.

"Why don't you just tell her?"

He sighed, "Because in the end, I know nothing about her. She's so closed off and I have so many questions yet I fell in love with her anyways. I'm in love with her and I don't know anything apart from her body and personality."

I blinked feeling a sense of Deja vu. This boy was going through things similar to myself.

He stood up abruptly to go pick up my sandwich that was now prepared and placed it in front of me. Once he found his seat again he continued.

"She seems so invincible. But just touch her and she'll wince. She has secrets and trusts no one. She's the perfect example of betrayal. Because anyone she's ever trusted broke her."

I finished my sandwich quickly deciding that this conversation was becoming a little too real. A little too familiar. If I didn't leave soon.

"I finally got an answer out of her." His statement caught me off guard as I was reaching into my pocket for my wallet.

"What?" I questioned in confusion.

He sucked in a breath. "She has these stupid rules. Stupid. Like don't put me against a wall, don't carry me by the thighs, don't ask about the scars-"

"Scars?" I interrupted surprised. "What do you mean?"

He looked at me like he spilt a secret, "Sorry, that's really not my place to say things like that."

I nodded wondering why I wanted him to continue so bad. He followed me to the register. I was handing over my black card when a thought occurred to me.

"Earlier, you said you got an answer out of her. What did you mean?"

He handed me my receipt and smiled to himself. "Oh right, well there's this bracelet she always wears with a girls name on it and I asked her about it."

My blood ran cold and I felt light headed. "I couldn't believe she actually answered my question for the first time."

He made his way to the back room but I couldn't help my next action and I grabbed his arm keeping him from opening the door. He looked up at me with a questioning look.

"The bracelet. Wh-what was the name."

He smiled softly, "Kate. But, Sarah said she's dead now."




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