The Dark One Cometh Part 2

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Hi readers. I just wanted to let you know why I haven't been updating. You can skip this if you want, but I thought it was right to let you know.

I am a survivor of sexual abuse. I was sexually abused starting from the age of 4 to 16 and because of this, I have PTSD and Depression along with an anxiety disorder. The reason I stared writing my stories was to get away from reality, but sometimes reality is too much for me. I had to take time to get myself together to finish these things.

At times I would become very suicidal and had to step back from things. Now I am doing better, but I still have my moments. In all honesty, if it weren't for some of your comments and messages, I would of never gotten this far. I wanted to make myself better so that I can finish writing the stories you guys love.


I promise that, as a writer, I will finish my stories and continue to make new ones.

Episode(s): 217 - 218

~ With Yugi and the others ~

"You're teetering on the edge of the shadow realm Yugi," said Bakura, "One false move and you'll be trapped for eternity. "

"Yeah? Well, if I was you, I wouldn't put my hope on it!" said Yugi with determination.

"And why not?" asked Bakura as he then went to mock Yugi on how he couldn't summon the Pharaoh to help him.

'Come on Yugi! You can do it! The Pharaoh might be the one who does most of the dueling, but I know that he wouldn't be able to do it without you. Please don't doubt yourself. You have more courage than you realize. I know you can do it,' thought Lilly as she watch the duel commence.

~ Sometime later ~

"The time has come for me to reveal my true strategy!" said Bakura.

"True Strategy?" asked Yugi.

"Yes. Is there an echo?" asked Bakura sarcastically. "Behold, my counter balance magic card!"

"What's that do?" asked Yugi it shock.

"As long as this card is on the field, each of us must transfer a certain amount of cards from our decks to our graveyards at the end of out turn. How many you ask? You must discard as many cards as there are monsters on the field. Of course, that includes my phantom monsters."

'No!' thought Lilly as Bakura started to summon more monsters. 'If this goes on Yugi could lose. No! He won't lose! Yugi can do this. I know he can!'

"You can do it Yugi!" yelled Lilly.

"Now, now, my dear, you shouldn't give him false hope," said Bakura as the chain tightened around Lilly.

"Lilly!" yelled the boys as she cried out in pain.

'Hopefully that will shut her up,' thought Tea.

~ With the Pharaoh ~

"Stand back," said Seto, "I shall handle this!"

"No," said the Pharaoh as he put his hand out, "Zorc is mine"

"My king, please don't," said Seto as Mana and Sahera looked at their king in shock.

"It's the only way. We have tried everything in our power and nothing has worked," said the Pharaoh. "There is one hope left and it lies in my hands."

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