The Final Duel Part 4

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Episode(s): 224

"You may have defeated my Egyptian Gods, but defeating my Dark Magician is your true test," said Atem.

"Oh man! Yugi's up against his most famous monster!" said Mokuba.

"We should have sold tickets to this!" said James.

"It looks like all Yugi can do is strengthen his defenses," said Tristan.

"Nah!" said Joey. "I bet he's doing more than that. And if you ask me, the secret is in that facedown monster of his."

"My tern!" said Atem as he grabbed a card and played it without looking at it.

"This is crazy!" said Lilly in shock as Atem called out the card he drew.

"He keeps getting the cards he needs!" said Marik in shock.

"Yugi!" said Lilly as Atem destroyed both of his monsters.

"Don't worry! He's got this!" said Grandpa with confidence.

"Yeah, but how?" asked James.

"It won't be easy," started Seto, "but there is a way for him to get out of this mess. The only questions is: does Yugi have the cards, and the guts, to pull it off."

"He can do it! There is no doubt about that!" said Lilly with much confidence.

"He's down to 400 life points," said Lance with worry.

"He has a plan!" said James as Yugi started his turn.

"The tied turns again," said Tristan.

"Here we go!" said Yugi as he made his move.

"Do you think he can win?" asked Seto to Lilly.

"Yes," said Lilly without hesitation as Yugi placed a card in his golden box.

"What do you think he choose?" asked James.

"Who knows," said Mokuba.

"What are the chances that the Pharaoh will play the same card?" asked Tristan.

"Very small," said Lance as Yugi sacrificed his monsters to summon a dragon.

"Not bad!" said Joey.

"Since when do you have that card?" asked Atem.

'That's the monster Yugi used to defeat Bakura. I see, he feels like it symbolizes that he can be apart from the Pharaoh. Its more than just a card to him now,' thought Lilly.

"Wow!" said James looking at the Dragon.

"He's goanna win!" said Mokuba.

"I activate my trap card!" said Atem as he negated Yugi's attack.

"Yugi," said Joey as Yugi's monster disappeared.

"Yugi's gone back to not having any monsters on his side," said Tristan.

"I hate to say this guys, but I think it's really over this time," said Mokuba.

"Not necessarily Mokuba," started Seto, "the way this duel has been going so far, anything can happen."

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